例如正则表达式(him|her)匹配"it belongs to him"和"it belongs to her",但是不能匹配"it belongs to them."。注意:这个元字符不是所有的软件都支持的。
规则表达式 : (填写//之间的表达式)
"^\d+$"//非负整数(正整数+ 0)
"^((-\d+)|(0+))$"//非正整数(负整数+ 0)
"^\d+(\.\d+)?$"//非负浮点数(正浮点数+ 0)
"^((-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(0+(\.0+)?))$"//非正浮点数(负浮点数+ 0)
/^(d{2}|d{4})-((0([1-9]{1}))|(1[1|2]))-(([0-2]([1-9]{1}))|(3[0|1]))$/ // 年-月-日
/^((0([1-9]{1}))|(1[1|2]))/(([0-2]([1-9]{1}))|(3[0|1]))/(d{2}|d{4})$/ //月/日/年
"^([w-.]+)@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.)|(([w-]+.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(]?)$" //Emil
"(d+-)?(d{4}-?d{7}|d{3}-?d{8}|^d{7,8})(-d+)?" //电话号码
"^(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5])$" //IP地址
^([0-9A-F]{2})(-[0-9A-F]{2}){5}$ //MAC地址的正则表达式
^[-+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$ //值类型正则表达式
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
function isRegisterUserName(s)
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
var patrn=/^(\w){6,20}$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
//var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?(\d){1,12})+$/;
var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(\d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((\d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
//var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,12}$/;
var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{3,12}$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
var patrn=/^[^`~!@#$%^&*()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;\'\,.<>/?]{1}[^`~!@$%^&()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;\'\,.<>?]{0,19}$/;
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
function isIP(s)//by zergling
if(!patrn.exec(s)) return false
* PARAMETERS: val AS any value
* RETURNS: TRUE if val is between lo and hi both inclusive, otherwise false.
function isBetween(val, lo, hi){
if((val< lo)||(val> hi)){ return(false);}
* FUNCTION: isDate checks a valid date
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false.
var the1st= theStr.indexOf('-');
var the2nd= theStr.lastIndexOf('-');
if(the1st== the2nd){ return(false);}
var y= theStr.substring(0,the1st);
var m= theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd);
var d= theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length);
if(isInt(m)==false|| isInt(d)==false|| isInt(y)==false){
else if(y.length< 4){ return(false);}
else if(!isBetween(m, 1, 12)){ return(false);}
else if(m==4|| m==6|| m==9|| m==11) maxDays= 30;
else if(y% 100== 0&& y% 400> 0) maxDays= 28;
if(isBetween(d, 1, maxDays)== false){ return(false);}
* FUNCTION: isEuDate checks a valid date in British format
* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false.
if(isBetween(theStr.length, 8, 10)== false){ return(false);}
var the1st= theStr.indexOf('/');
var the2nd= theStr.lastIndexOf('/');
if(the1st== the2nd){ return(false);}
var m= theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd);
var d= theStr.substring(0,the1st);
var y= theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length);
if(isInt(m)==false|| isInt(d)==false|| isInt(y)==false){
else if(y.length< 4){ return(false);}
else if(isBetween(m, 1, 12)== false){ return(false);}
else if(m==4|| m==6|| m==9|| m==11) maxDays= 30;
else if(y% 100== 0&& y% 400> 0) maxDays= 28;
if(isBetween(d, 1, maxDays)== false){ return(false);}
* FUNCTION: Compare Date! Which is the latest!
* PARAMETERS: lessDate,moreDate AS String
function isComdate(lessDate, moreDate)
if(!isDate(lessDate)){ return(false);}
if(!isDate(moreDate)){ return(false);}
var less1st= lessDate.indexOf('-');
var less2nd= lessDate.lastIndexOf('-');
var more1st= moreDate.indexOf('-');
var more2nd= moreDate.lastIndexOf('-');
var lessy= lessDate.substring(0,less1st);
var lessm= lessDate.substring(less1st+1,less2nd);
var lessd= lessDate.substring(less2nd+1,lessDate.length);
var morey= moreDate.substring(0,more1st);
var morem= moreDate.substring(more1st+1,more2nd);
var mored= moreDate.substring(more2nd+1,moreDate.length);
var Date1= new Date(lessy,lessm,lessd);
var Date2= new Date(morey,morem,mored);
if(Date1>Date2){ return(false);}
* FUNCTION isEmpty checks if the parameter is empty or null
if((str==null)||(str.length==0)) return true;
* RETURNS: TRUE if the passed parameter is an integer, otherwise FALSE
if(isEmpty(theStr)){ flag=false;}
if(isDigit(theStr.substring(i,i+1))== false){
decLen AS Integer(how many digits after period)
* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a float, otherwise FALSE
function isReal(theStr, decLen){
var dot1st= theStr.indexOf('.');
var dot2nd= theStr.lastIndexOf('.');
if(isEmpty(theStr)) return false;
if(!isInt(theStr)) return(false);
else if(dot1st!= dot2nd) return(false);
else if(dot1st==0) return(false);
var intPart= theStr.substring(0, dot1st);
var decPart= theStr.substring(dot2nd+1);
if(decPart.length> decLen) return(false);
else if(!isInt(intPart)||!isInt(decPart)) return(false);
else if(isEmpty(decPart)) return(false);
* PARAMETER: String(Email Address)
* RETURNS: TRUE if the String is a valid Email address
* FALSE if the passed string is not a valid Email Address
* EMAIL FORMAT: AnyName@EmailServer e.g; webmaster@hotmail.com
*@ sign can appear only once in the email address.
var atIndex= theStr.indexOf('@');
var dotIndex= theStr.indexOf('.', atIndex);
theSub= theStr.substring(0, dotIndex+1)
if((atIndex< 1)||(atIndex!= theStr.lastIndexOf('@'))||(dotIndex< atIndex+ 2)||(theStr.length<= theSub.length))
* PARAMETERS: doc-> Document to open in the new window
hite-> Height of the new window
wide-> Width of the new window
bars-> 1-Scroll bars= YES 0-Scroll Bars= NO
resize-> 1-Resizable= YES 0-Resizable= NO
* RETURNS: New window instance
function newWindow(doc, hite, wide, bars, resize){
var opt="toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,";
* PARAMETERS: paramValue-> Field value
function DecimalFormat(paramValue){
var intPart= parseInt(paramValue);
var decPart=parseFloat(paramValue)- intPart;
if((decPart== 0)||(decPart== null)) str+=(intPart+".00");
else str+=(intPart+ decPart);
"^\\d+$"//非负整数(正整数+ 0)
"^((-\\d+)|(0+))$"//非正整数(负整数+ 0)
"^\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$"//非负浮点数(正浮点数+ 0)
"^((-\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)|(0+(\\.0+)?))$"//非正浮点数(负浮点数+ 0)