Software Distribution and Building Platform for Windows
MSYS2is a collection of tools and libraries providing you with an easy-to-use environment for building, installing and running native Windows software.
It consists of a command line terminal called mintty , bash, version control systems like git and subversion, tools like tar and awk and even build systems like autotools, all based on a modified version of Cygwin . Despite some of these central parts being based on Cygwin, the main focus of MSYS2 is to provide a build environment for native Windows software and the Cygwin-using parts are kept at a minimum. MSYS2 provides up-to-date native builds for GCC, mingw-w64, CPython, CMake, Meson, OpenSSL, FFmpeg, Rust, Ruby, just to name a few.
To provide easy installation of packages and a way to keep them updated it features a package management system called Pacman , which should be familiar to Arch Linux users. It brings many powerful features such as dependency resolution and simple complete system upgrades, as well as straight-forward and reproducible package building. Our package repository contains more than 2500 pre-built packages ready to install.
为了使软件安装更加容易,并不断更新,其中包括一个一揽子管理系统Pacman。使用Arch Linux的用户应该熟悉该系统。随之而来的是一连串惊人的特质如果您依赖于一个解决方案和一个直截了当的系统更新,此外,还有直接和可重复的包装建筑。我们的软件包储存库提供了2 500多个预制软件包,可以安装。
For more details see 'What is MSYS2?' which also compares MSYS2 to other software distributions and development environments like Cygwin , WSL , Chocolatey , Scoop , ... and 'Who Is Using MSYS2?' to see which projects are using MSYS2 and what for.
1.Download the installer: msys2-x86_64-20220319.exe
安装以下程序: msys2-x86_64-20200319
Verify with SHA256 checksumbd7cac636c1bf3a1821b9694ba3f49a92a6de1458d0ccc78f36338a393892e71 or GPG signature by 0xf7a49b0ec .
2.Run the installer. MSYS2 requires 64 bit Windows 7 or newer.
运行安装程序。 MSYS2 需要 64 位 Windows 7 或以后 。
Enter your desiredInstallation Folder(short ASCII-only path on a NTFS volume, no accents, no spaces, no symlinks, no subst or network drives, no FAT).
输入安装文件夹( 仅输入 NTFS 磁盘上的 ASCII 路径, 没有口音、 空格、 签名链接、 基件或网络驱动器, 没有 FAT ) 。
3.When done, tickRun MSYS2 now.
检查 MSYS2 完成后不久正在运行 。
4.Update the package database and base packages. Unless your setup file is very recent, it will take two steps. First runpacman -Syu:
更新的软件包数据库和基本软件包。 需要两个步骤, 除非您的安装文件已更新。 首先, 执行 papman- Syu :
5.Run "MSYS2 MSYS" from Start menu. Update the rest of the base packages withpacman -Su:
从菜单开始启动“ MSYS2 MSYS” 。 使用 pacman- Su 更新其余基本软件包 :
6.Now MSYS2 is ready for you. You will probably want to install some tools and the mingw-w64 GCC to start compiling:
MSYS2 现在可供您使用。 要开始编译, 您可能需要安装各种工具, 并安装 mingw- w64 CC :
7.To start building using the mingw-w64 GCC, close this window and run "MSYS MinGW 64-bit" from Start menu. Now you can callmakeorgccto build software for Windows.
关闭此窗口, 从启动菜单中启动 MSYS 磨坊 64 位元, 开始与 mingw- w64 CCS 开发。 现在您可以使用 make 或 gcc 为 Windows 构建软件 。
8.Check out the introduction page to learn which Start menu item to use when and which packages to install. Take look at Detailed MSYS2 install guide for troubleshooting and additional details on how to keep your MSYS2 up-to-date.
显示配置文件页面以选择是否使用“启动”菜单项以及安装了哪些软件包。访问完整的 MSYS2 安装指令,以了解困难问题以及如何不断更新和详细管理 MSYS2 。系统网专业应用软件下载教程,免费windows10系统,win11,办公软件,OA办公系统,OA软件,办公自动化软件,开源系统,移动办公软件等信息,解决一体化的办公方案。