您现在的位置是:首页» windows系统» graphics.h在哪个文件夹,graphics和gdiplusgraphics区别


2023-12-05 07:42:33
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家! 首先,#include"graphics.h"是TC专属的一个画图函数,因为它不是标准库,VC是没有的,VC有自己的图形函数。我到没有试过下载#include"graphics.h",



1、画笔有两种形式创建画笔一是直接通过GetStockObject()函数来调用二是通过创建画笔来调用HPEN CreatePen(intfnPenStyle,// pen styleintnWidth,// pen widthCOLORREFcrColor// pen color);




二是通过调用CreateSolidBrush和CreateHatchBrush来创建画刷HBRUSH CreateSolidBrush( COLORREF crColor// brush color value);

HBRUSH CreateHatchBrush( int fnStyle,// hatch style COLORREF clrref// color value);3、颜色通过RGB函数来实现;4、常用的绘图函数设置画笔当前的位置函数MoveToExBOOL MoveToEx( HDC hdc,// handle to device context int X,// x-coordinate of new current position int Y,// y-coordinate of new current position LPPOINT lpPoint// pointer to old current position);

从当前位置向指定坐点画直线的函数LineToBOOL LineTo( HDC hdc,// device context handle int nXEnd,// x-coordinate of line's ending point int nYEnd// y-coordinate of line's ending point);

从当前位置开始,依次用线段连接lpPoints中指定各点的函数PolylineBOOL Polyline( HDC hdc,// handle to device context CONST POINT*lppt,// pointer to array containing endpoints int cPoints// number of points in the array);

椭圆弧线ArcBOOL Arc( HDC hdc,// handle to device context int nLeftRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nTopRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nRightRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner int nBottomRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner int nXStartArc,// first radial ending point int nYStartArc,// first radial ending point int nXEndArc,// second radial ending point int nYEndArc// second radial ending point);画一个饼图并用当前的画刷进行填充PieBOOL Pie( HDC hdc,// handle to device context int nLeftRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nTopRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nRightRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner int nBottomRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner int nXRadial1,// x-coord of first radial's endpoint int nYRadial1,// y-coord of first radial's endpoint int nXRadial2,// x-coord of second radial's endpoint int nYRadial2// y-coord of second radial's endpoint);

画一个矩形,并填充RectangleBOOL Rectangle( HDC hdc,// handle to device context int nLeftRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nTopRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nRightRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner int nBottomRect// y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner);

画一个椭圆并填充EllipseBOOL Ellipse( HDC hdc,// handle to device context int nLeftRect,// x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner int nTopRect,// y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner


1、graphics.h头文件是C语言和visual studio的图形库文件,包含像素函数、线型函数、画线函数、相对画线函数等多种函数,可进行图形的快速编程,如果您的电脑缺少graphics.h头文件就需要下载安装一下,就可实现图形绘制功能了。


3、bios.h:说明调用IBM—PC ROM BIOS子程序的各个函数。






