您现在的位置是:首页» windows系统» favoritevideo是什么文件,favoritevideo可以删吗


2023-10-12 22:54:46
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!关于“社交媒体”的单词小测试。1. I _______ my social media profile every month.A. chatB. hideC. updateD. like2.



1. I _______ my social media profile every month.

A. chat

B. hide

C. update

D. like

2. I love _______ my favourite songs on Weibo.

A. hiding

B. chatting

C. trolling

D. sharing

3. My new profile photo got 56 _______. That's more than I expected!

A. likes

B. trolls

C. memes

D. trends

4. It was so cool _______ on WeChat with an old friend from school last night.

A. uploading

B. chatting

C. memeing

D. hearing

5. I don't really like being _______ in other people's photos.

A. tagged

B. uploaded

C. updated

D. blocked

6. I often _______ on my friends’ timelines.

A. unfriend

B. troll

C. comment

D. hide

7. My sister was so upset when one of her friends _______ her for no apparent reason.

A. updated

B. unfriended

C. commented

D. trended

8. That video is hilarious! It's going to _______!

A. go viral

B. viral

C. have viral

D. get viral



1. C;2. D;3.A;4.B;5.A;6.C;7.B;8.A

答案简析:第三题中like是名词,意为“赞”。第五题中tag意为“贴标签;分类”。第七题中unfriend意为“删除朋友”“拉黑”。第八题中go viral意为“爆红;疯传;走红”等,




标签: favoritevideo