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2023-10-12 16:14:09
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion ,soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of


An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion ,soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by scoundrels. ___爱因斯坦。





这项研究于2022年发表在Nutrition and Health(营养与健康)期刊上,文章名为“Low-carbohydrate diets and men's cortisol and testosterone: Systematic review and meta-analysis”,中文译作“低碳水化合物饮食与男性皮质醇和睾酮:系统评价和荟萃分析”。


结果发现:短期(<3周)的低碳水饮食和高碳水饮食都会适度增加静息皮质醇;在长时间运动(≥20 min)后,低碳水饮食和高碳水饮食也都会导致运动后的皮质醇水平更高。





另一方面,这项研究还证明,高蛋白饮食会导致静息状态下的总睾酮水平大幅下降。超过35%的蛋白质就会使睾酮水平降低 37%,这在医学上被称为性腺机能减退。

首席研究员约瑟夫·惠特克 (Joseph Whittaker) 在接受采访时表示:“正常情况下,人们仅需要摄入大约17%的蛋白质,而导致低睾酮的饮食通常都含有超过35%的蛋白质。对于摄入正常蛋白质的人们来说,基本上不用担心,但对于高蛋白饮食的群体来说,将蛋白质摄入量控制在25%以内可能才是安全的。”







Confucius remarked, “Riches and honours are objects of men's desire;but if I cannot have them without leaving the path of duty, I would not have them. Poverty and a low position in life are objects of men's dislike; but if I cannot leave them without departing from the path of duty, I would not leave them。

"A wise man who leaves his moral character is no longer entitled to the name of a wise man. A wise man never for one single moment in his life loses sight of a moral life; in moments of haste and hurry, as in moments of danger and peril, he always clings to it.


注释:孔子说:“ 财富与荣誉是人们所渴望的,但如果我除了远离责任之路之外不能拥有它们,那我将不会去拥有。贫穷与卑贱是人们所厌恶的,但如果我除了离开责任之路而不能摈弃它们,那我将不去摒弃。






For­get all the great things that cap­i­tal­ism has done, the smart­phones we carry, the broad­band we use to stream movies, the drugs and vac­cines that ex­tend lives. For­get those who hold back con­sump­tion to fund or in­vent stuff that brings the masses out of poverty. Be­cause Jeff Be­zos had the au­dac­ity to get rich for his ef­forts, he gets push­back. All that tech­nol­ogy and red-meat cap­i­tal­ism comes at a great so­ci­etal cost, crit­ics say. Peo­ple with smart­phones are liv­ing be­low the poverty line. Cap­i­tal­ism is bro­ken and needs to be re­formed. We need a new, fairer sys­tem.

Oh, we’re get­ting one, good and hard. (See: stim­u­lus, $1.9 tril­lion plus an­other $3 tril­lion com­ing up.) John Cochrane, an econ­omist and se­nior fel­low at Stan­ford’s Hoover In­sti­tu­tion, tells me in­equal­ity is raised fre­quently as a nasty symp­tom of some al­leged dis­ease of cap­i­tal­ism. “Not so fast,” he warns. “Are cap­i­tal­ism and free mar­kets the rea­sons for in­come in­equal­ity? Or are mis­guided gov­ern­ment in­ter­ven­tions to blame?” He quickly rat­tles off poor schools, oc­cu­pa­tional li­cens­ing, land-use rules, and dis­in­cen­tives to work as ex­am­ples of things that keep peo­ple down—an “op­por­tu­nity gap.” Let’s call them the Four Pro­gres­sive Horse­men of In­equal­ity........省略一千字。


(2017•湖北咸宁) 1. 一Kangkang, tell us something about _________ in your hometown?

一Usually on this day, people eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan.

  A. the Spring Festival            B. the lantern Festival 

  C. the Dragon Boat Festival       D. the Mid-Autumn Festival

答案C【解析】考查名词短语辨析。句意:——康康,请告诉我关于你们家乡的端午节的某些情况吗?——通常在这一天,人们吃粽子来纪念屈原。由“eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan (吃粽子来纪念屈原)”这一节日风俗习惯,可知是指端午节。故选C。



(2017·甘肃天水)2. The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路倡议) will help China improve the ___________ with those related countries, especially Pakistan (巴基斯坦).

A. relationshipB. agreementC. environmentD. information

答案A 【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:一带一路的倡议帮助中国改善了与邻国的关系,特别是巴基斯坦。relationship关系;agreement协议;environment环境;information信息。Improve the relationship意为“改善……关系”。故选A。



(2017·甘肃天水) 3. The online shop sells ___________ shoes at a very low price.

A. child and men’sB. children and men’s

C. children’s and menD. children’s and men’s

答案D 【解析】考查名词所有格。句意:网店以低廉的价格销售儿童和男士的鞋子。child的复数为children,表示“儿童的”用children’s;man的复数形式为men,表示“男士的”用men’s。故选D。






LADY CHILTERN. [Troubled and hesitating.] But it is my husband himself who wishes to retire from public life. He feels it is his duty. It was he who first said so.

LORD GORING. Rather than lose your love, Robert would do anything, wreck his whole career, as he is on the brink of doing now. He is making for you a terrible sacrifice. Take my advice, Lady Chiltern,and do not accept a sacrifice so great. If you do, you will live to repent it bitterly. We men and women are not made to accept such sacrifices from each other. We are not worthy of them. Besides, Robert has been punished enough.

LADY CHILTERN. We have both been punished. I set him up too high.

LORD GORING. [With deep feeling in his voice.] Do not for that reason set him down now too low. If he has fallen from his altar, do not thrust him into the mire. Failure to Robert would be the very mire of shame. Power is his passion. He would lose everything, even his power to feel love. Your husband's life is at this moment in your hands,your husband's love is in your hands. Don't mar both for him.


Reading for today, a short news story... World News for Students of English

Transgender athlete at the Olympics



New Zealand chose the first transgender athlete who will compete at the Tokyo Olympics.

Laurel Hubbard competed in men´s weightlifting before she decided to become a woman. In 2015, she became a woman, and since that time, she could compete in women´s weightlifting.

Hubbard will compete in the super heavyweight category, and some people will probably not be happy about it. Some people think that transgender athletes should not compete because it is not fair to the other athletes.

The International Olympic Committee changed the rules for transgender athletes who can compete if their levels of testosterone are low enough. Some scientists say that transgender women went through puberty as men, and therefore, it makes them better at sports than other women because they are taller or bigger.

Difficult words: transgender (a person who was born a man but he feels to be a woman, or  a person who was born a woman but she feels to be a man), testosterone (a hormone which makes the body look like a man), puberty (the time when a child is becoming an adult).



Jumbo Huang Notes: The dancing continued till the moon in the pavilion amid the willows hung low; The singing went on until the breeze underneath the peach-blossom fans expired....Only one scene of this drama had been performed when they heard the sound of orderlies shouting to clear the way gradually approach, and Ping-an came in to announce that his Honor Commandant Chou Hsiu had arrived. Hsi-men Ch'ing put on his official cap and girdle and went out to welcome him. Before even exchanging formal greetings with him, he suggested to his guest that he divest himself of his formal outer garments…




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