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2023-10-12 12:24:49
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!AcquisitionsAs regular readers know, our acquisitions have often come about in strange ways. None, h



As regular readers know, our acquisitions have often come about in strange ways. None, however, had a more unusual genesis than our purchase last year of Clayton Homes.

The unlikely source was a group of finance students from the University of Tennessee, and their teacher, Dr. Al Auxier. For the past five years, Al has brought his class to Omaha, where the group tours Nebraska Furniture Mart and Borsheim’s, eats at Gorat’s and then comes to Kiewit Plaza for a session with me. Usually about 40 students participate.

After two hours of give-and-take, the group traditionally presents me with a thank-you gift. (The doors stay locked until they do.) In past years it’s been items such as a football signed by Phil Fulmer and a basketball from Tennessee’s famous women’s team.

This past February, the group opted for a book – which, luckily for me, was the recently-published autobiography of Jim Clayton, founder of Clayton Homes. I already knew the company to be the class act of the manufactured housing industry, knowledge I acquired after earlier making the mistake of buying some distressed junk debt of Oakwood Homes, one of the industry’s largest companies. At the time of that purchase, I did not understand how atrocious consumer-financing practices had become throughout most of the manufactured housing industry. But I learned: Oakwood rather promptly went bankrupt.




Spring day limit. I'm really happy with my friends. I hope there will always be such a group of friends who pull me forward with me


So that was my argument – and now let me put it into a simple equation. If Group A (active investors) and Group B (do-nothing investors) comprise the total investing universe, and B is destined to achieve average results before costs, so, too, must A. Whichever group has the lower costs will win. (The academic in me requires me to mention that there is a very minor point – not worth detailing – that slightly modifies this formulation.) And if Group A has exorbitant costs, its shortfall will be substantial.

“总计为...合计是...” 用英语可以怎么说?(第一部)


1.Add up to sth 总计为...

The numbers add up to exactly 100.

这些数字的总数恰好是 100

2.Come out at sth 总计为...

The total bill comes out at £500.

账单金额总计为 500 英镑

3.Come to sth 总计为...;合计是...

The bill came to $30.

账单金额总计为 30 美元

I never expected those few items to come to so much.


4.Amount to sth 总计为...;合计是...

His earnings are said to amount to £300 000 per annum.

据说他每年挣的钱多达 30 万英镑

5.Number + (一个数字) 总计为...;合计是...

The crowd numbered more than a thousand.


We numbered 20 (= there were 20 of us in the group).

我们总计是 20 人

They told me that their village numbered 100.


我的家乡安徽lu六安,感谢省里合肥,芜湖,滁州,铜陵,安庆,阜阳,马鞍山,黄山,淮北,池州,蚌埠,宣城,淮南,亳州,宿州,等支援lu六安安徽是一家,安徽各市人一家亲,感谢安徽兄弟城市支援我的家乡lu六安,今天他们回去了,欢迎下次来我的家乡美丽的lu六安旅游!排名不分先后![比心][赞][捂脸][感谢]I just took some medicine, ate a pancake a baked intestine a bottle of mineral water in the evening, I said the network is not good to connect the network, asked to go to work can you drive, there is a car but is a novice, there is guangyi Baizhuang East pavilion @hai or take the subway, @Hai three addresses, sneeze, sister said what formal labor contract, @hai I am liangxi district Wuxi station Wuxi east I am also eight hospital branch tomorrow to eight hospital physical examination, guangyi east Ting Baizhuang @ Yang a certain physical examination smoke X, smoke @ xiaoexuanmy car on my sister's side @ Xiaoexuanmy sister's store in Le Tian Street @ north girl my sister branch in Guangyi Jiayuan @ North girl I am in Zhongzhou, @ Yang is a why you guys are not in my neighborhood is beside my sister shop @ the north girl I have a car but I am a novice, driver's license test at age 18 @ tintin before I heard someone say @ the northern girl I also want to practice my @ tintin today is not interview you gave me and I made it very clear, very good @ tintin good sister @ tintin embarrassed, Listen to others say not understand clearly, eat the medicine of sleep like you say of concern you! [than heart] [who] [thank you] [his face], but this evening is quite embarrassing that group of sister today give me an interview said very clear not to negotiate something outside, I heard a lot of people quit I am the words, but it is not true, what's so hot tonight the group added a friend had let someone to take me to far away tomorrow, my car on my sister there novice, What night sleep night check will there be a problem speechless see arrangement wuxi station Wuxi east tomorrow morning by bus! I thought it would be closer if we walked by my friend tomorrow!


✔️ domain  [doʊˈmeɪn]

Definition: an area of knowledge or activity; especially one that sb is responsible for; a set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example .com , .org(域名的域)

The information has been placed in the public domain. 


The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains. 


✔️apportion [əˈpɔːrʃn]

Definition: to divide sth among people; to give a share of sth to sb

Sentence: They apportioned the land among members of the family.


The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor.


✔️deteriorate  [dɪˈtɪriəreɪt]

Definition: to become worse  

Sentence: deteriorating weather conditions


The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.


✔️discrete [dɪˈskriːt]

Definition: independent of other things of the same type

Sentence:  The organisms can be divided into discrete categories.


✔️slope [sloʊp]

Definition: a surface or piece of land that slopes (= is higher at one end than the other);  the amount by which sth slopes

Sentence: a grassy slope


a slope of 45 degrees


✔️percolate [ˈpɜːrkəleɪt]

Definition: to move gradually through a surface that has very small holes or spaces in it; to make coffee in a percolator ; to be made in this way


Rain water will only percolate through slowly.


She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm.


✔️governess [ˈɡʌvərnəs]

Definition: (尤指旧时的)家庭女教师   


 ✔️ upon my word

Definition: 的确;我发誓

Sentence: Upon my word, I saw it with my own eyes. 


#每天打卡背单词# #英语# #单词#

My Daily Life

Lianxin Er

A couple took a child and passed by me

An elderly couple passed by me with crutches

A pair of young lovers passed by me with their bags on their backs

A group of students twittered past me with their trolley bags

Some couriers passed in front of me

Some delivery men drove by me

A bus drove by me

A running high-speed train passed the railway bridge in front of me

I came to the crossroads in my wheelchair

Looking back and forth, then left and right

It seems that those people and cars passing by me just now

Still stay at the intersection

Waiting for the signal light

The green light in my direction is on

I started the wheelchair and drove forward

Translated by Lilan.(礼兰译) 2021-5-30
























Alexandre Pato

“I entered Milan's locker room at 17. Ronaldo gave me a Playboy mag and said 'be in my group or in Kaká’s religious group."



形容词就是用来修饰名词或代词的词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征,通常译成“ 的”。它可以放在名词或代词前(做定语),也可以放在be动词、系动词(look,sound,taste,smell,feel等)之后(做表语)。

Tom is a tall boy.  汤姆是一个高高的男孩。

This is a beautiful garden.  这是一个美丽的花园。

The food sounds delicious. 这些食物尝起来很美味。



①   一般在词尾加er,est      tall-taller   tallest

②   以字母e结尾,只加r, st          late-later     latest

③   以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加er,est        heavy-heavier   heaviest

④   以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er fat-fatter fattest


( 两者比较用比较级,三者或三者以上用最高级)

            He is shorter than me.   

He is the tallest in my class.

He is the tallest of all the boys.



   1.young _____________    2.old_________________

   3.small ______________   4.big_________________

   5.heavy _______________  6.thin________________

   7.strong _____________   8.tall_________________

   9.short ____________  10.smart_______________


1. Mr. Smith is _______ (rich)man in this office.

2. Winter is _______  (cold)season of the years.

3. It is much _______ today than yesterday. (hot)

4. I am only one year_____ (young) than you.

5. Which book is ________,  (easy)this one or that one?

6. My room is _______  (small)than yours.

7. She is______ (pretty)girl in the group.

8. That is_____ (easy) of all.

9.He is_____ (clever )boy in the class.

10.John is_____ (short) than Tom.

III.在下列句子中填入than, of 或 in.

1. This table is  bigger  ______ that one.

2. The red book is bigger ______the blue one.

3. John is the best student ______the class.

4. The lesson is more interesting______ that one

5. The apple is the largest______ all the apples.


1、这本书比那本书好多了。This book is ____ ____ ___that one.

2、这块月饼大,那块更大。This mooncake is______ .That one is _____


Jim is ____ ___ in his class.

4、所有铅笔中这支铅笔最长。The pencil is ___ __ ____ ____ ____.

5、两个男孩中李雷个子高些。Li Lei is ____ ___ _____ the two boys.




标签: groupme