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2023-10-12 11:20:58


【有关天气与气候的英文】climate气候;weather天气;sunny晴朗的;rainy下雨的;dull阴天的;windy刮风的;breeze微风;humidity潮湿;drought干旱;freeze冰冻;hail冰雹;thunder and lightning雷电;snow雪;fog浓雾;dew露水;downpour暴雨;shower阵雨 ​​​​#教育# #雅思# #英语#

" 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪 ! "

" 若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节 ! "

"There are hundreds of flowers in spring and the moon in autumn, cool breeze in summer and snow in winter!"

"If you have nothing to worry about, it is a good time in the world!"


Teenagers are teenagers. They are not surprised when they see the spring breeze, not bored when they see the summer cicada, not sad when they see the autumn breeze, not sighing when they see the winter snow, not bothered to notice when they see the wealth all over, and dare to face unfairly. Because they are teenagers.



Bill Gates said : " We should work like adults, but live like children!"

Adults should learn from children, We hope that our years are permeated with the piety of nature.



teenagers [ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒərz] n.


spring breeze


summer cicada


cicada [sɪˈkɑːdə] n.


not sighing


bothered [ˈbɒðərd] v.


notice [ˈnoʊtɪs] n.


unfairly [ˌʌnˈfeər] adv.


adults [ˈædʌlts] n.


permeated [ˈpɜːrmieɪtɪd] v.


piety of nature


piety [ˈpaɪəti] n.





forecast [ˈfɔːkɑːst] n./v.预报,预测

◎weather forecast天气预报

sunny [ˈsʌni] a.晴朗的

◎sunny day晴天

cloudy [ˈklaʊdi] a.多云的,阴天的

◎cloudy day阴天

partly cloudy局部多云

overcast [ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst] a.(被云、雾等)遮蔽的;阴天的 n.阴天

◎overcast sky阴天

cloudy then sunny 阴转晴

sunny then cloudy 晴转阴

cloudy then rainy 阴转雨

mist [mɪst] n.薄雾

◎in mist在薄雾之中

misty [ˈmɪsti]a.充满雾气的,薄雾笼罩的

◎misty morning薄雾弥漫的早晨

foggy [ˈfɒɡi] a.有雾的

◎foggy morning雾蒙蒙的早晨

dew [djuː] n.露水

thick fog 浓雾

haze [heɪz] n.霾,霭,烟雾

windy [ˈwɪndi] a.有风的

light air 一级风,微风

breeze [briːz] n.微风,和风

◎icy breeze寒风

heavy wind 大风

rain [reɪn] n./v.(下)雨

◎heavy rain大雨

rainy [ˈreɪni] a.下雨的

rainstorm [ˈreɪnstɔːm] n.暴雨

lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] n.闪电

thunder [ˈθʌndə(r)] n.雷 v.打雷

◎spring thunder春雷

thunder storm雷雨

drizzle [ˈdrɪzl] n.毛毛雨v.下毛毛雨

◎thin drizzle细毛毛雨

shower [ˈʃaʊə(r)] n.阵雨

◎heavy shower一阵大雨

light rain 小雨

moderate rain 中雨

downfall [ˈdaʊnfɔːl]n.大雨

downpour [ˈdaʊnpɔː(r)] n.倾盆大雨

◎a sudden downpour一场突如其来的暴雨

rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨

storm [stɔːm] n.暴风雨

◎snow storm暴风雪

snowy [ˈsnəʊi] a.下雪的,多雪的

snowflake [ˈsnəʊfleɪk] n.雪花,雪片

sleet [sliːt] n.雨夹雪

precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] n.降雨或降雪量

◎annual precipitation年降水量

acid precipitation酸性降水

icy [ˈaɪsi] a.结冰的;冰冷的

◎icy winter寒风刺骨的冬天

hail [heɪl] n.冰雹

◎hail storm冰雹风暴

frost [frɒst] n.霜

hot [hɒt] a.热的

◎hot spring温泉

temperature [ˈtemprətʃə(r)] n.温度

◎temperature range温度范围

fahrenheit [ˈfærənhaɪt] n./a.华氏温度计(的)

centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd] n./a.摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的)

◎centigrade thermometre摄氏温度计

warm [wɔːm] a.温暖的

swelter [ˈsweltə(r)] v.热得难受 n.闷热

stuffy [ˈstʌfi] a.不透气的;闷热的

◎hot and stuffy 闷热

cool [kuːl] a.凉爽的

chilly [ˈtʃɪli] a.寒冷的,阴冷的

cold [kəʊld] a.寒冷的,冰凉的

brisk [brɪsk] a.寒冷而清新的

freezing [ˈfriːzɪŋ] a.冰冷的

frigid [ˈfrɪdʒɪd] a.寒冷的,严寒的

nippy [ˈnɪpi] a.冷飕飕的

Logic is to recite the ordinary mind.

Zen Master Hui Kai.Song Dynasty

Spring there exists hundreds of flowers,Autumn thus is the moon,

Summer ,of which cool breeze is after Winter thus is the snow.

If there's no idle business which possess the heart,

Then ,it is the good season of the world.


无门慧开禅师 〔宋代〕



a catchy breeze 时断时续的微风

The songs were both catchy and original. 那些歌曲既朗朗上口又有原创性

to redress the balance 恢复平衡

to redress the imbalance 调整不平衡

They sought redress through the law courts. 他们通过诉诸法庭寻求补偿

a pleated skirt 百褶裙

I crunched across the gravel. 我嘎吱嘎吱地走过石子路

Richard crunched into the apple. 理查德嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着苹果

Our footsteps crunched over the snow. 我们的脚踩在雪上,发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音

the crunch 关键时刻,紧要关头:Tomorrow, though, is the crunch. 明天可就是紧要关头了

the next place on our itinerary 我们行程的下一站


Year after year,we'll celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy the fragrant rice dumplings "zongzi". A colorful gift box made of a wisp of breeze, two drops of summer rain, three autumn leaves, and four winter snow is given to all of you. On every blooming petal and every budding leaf, I have carved my sincere blessings.All the beautiful things in the world have been collected by me as raw materials, and wrapped into a special zongzi for you. After eating it, you will be happy forever.A firm wish is the first step to realize your dream. Write down your dream list and save "money" for your dream from now on.





标签: snowbreeze