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geforce game ready driver无法安装,geforce game ready driver安装失败

2023-10-12 10:41:31
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!基础英语 第149期完型填空。Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a big  1 and a strong dog. He has no work  2   i


基础英语 第149期


Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a big  1 and a strong dog. He has no work  2   in winter, so he goes to a city and  3 work there.

When New Year is coming, he  4  his home to see his wife and children. But something is wrong with his eyes. When he  5  his door, his dog comes out and bites him. His wife  6  to drive it away.

He goes to see the doctor. The doctor gives him some medicine. Before he  7  , he tells him about his dog. The doctor  8 and says, “Something is wrong with its eyes, too, I   9  .”

When he gets home, he tells his wife about what the doctor said. The woman says. “I’m  10  it’s true. If a thief comes in, it won’t see him and he’ll steal something.”

Mr. Green has to make the dog take his medicine.

(  )1.A.ground       B. family         C. room       D. floor

(  )2.A.do           B. to do          C. does        D. doing

(  )3.A.wants        B. hopes         C. finds       D. begins

(  )4.A.lands         B. telephones     C. returns to    D. gets ready for

(  )5.A. hits          B. does          C. looks       D. knocks at

(  )6.A.hurries        B. laughs        C. jumps       D. walk

(  )7.A.falls asleep     B. goes to bed    C. leaves       D. falls behind

(  )8.A.cries          B. laughs        C. writes       D. works

(  )9.A.see        B. understand    C. wish        D. think

(  )10.A.afraid    B. sorry         C. angry       D. happy


The person skiing starts by crouching in the water, this is called a deep water start. The skis will float ,but you want your body to be in a crouching position in the water. Your skis tips should be pointing out of the water.Your arms will be overstretched holding onto the cable tightly. When you are ready, you give a signal to the driver of the boat ,who starts speeding. Ideally you are pulled into an upright position with your skis underneath you, gliding along the surface of the water.Having a successful start will most likely take a few tries.

滑雪的人从蹲在水里开始,这被称为深水开始。 滑雪板会浮在水面上,但你要让你的身体在水中保持蹲伏的姿势。 你的滑雪板尖应该指向水面外。 你的手臂会被拉得太紧。 当你准备好了,你给船的司机一个信号,他开始加速。 理想情况下,你被拉到一个直立的位置,你的滑雪板在你的下面,沿着水面滑行。 有一个成功的开始很可能需要几次尝试。 




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