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2023-10-12 07:26:55
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!When my now 20 year old daughter was in the 7th grade, I received a phone call from the assistant pr


When my now 20 year old daughter was in the 7th grade, I received a phone call from the assistant principal saying she had been suspended for fighting.

I went to pick her up and sign the stuff suspension paperwork (it was a Friday- this is important later). The assistant principal said she slammed another girl’s head into a cement wall for calling her a bitch. My daughter said she had nothing to say or add.

My daughter spent all weekend from 8am-8pm doing chores. Scrubbing baseboards, washing walls, cleaning the cupboards inside and out, etc. By Sunday her arms were sore from cleaning. All the chores were timed and had to pass inspection or be redone. My neighbor and I car pooled the kids each day, he’d drop off and I’d pick up. Monday morning he asked where she was, I filled him in. He then told me what REALLY happened!

His daughter was very petite for her age (around 4’6” - just a tiny thing!), girl X decided she didn’t like A (neighbor girl) and had been picking on her all week. On Friday X cornered A in the hallway and was holding a KNIFE to her neck! My daughter was walking by and saw what was going on and grabbed X from behind and slammed her head into the wall and X picked up the knife to turn in! He was to attend a meeting with the administration that morning to make sure his restraining order would be enforced at school!

I was dumbfounded!!!! My daughter was standing beside me and his was also there confirming it all. My daughter didn’t say anything still. When I asked her why she didn’t tell me, all she said was, “I should have gotten an adult instead.”

We went shopping, out to lunch, the zoo and a movie while she finished out her suspension. That assistant principal is now the principal at that school (my youngest daughter is currently a 7th grade student there). I don’t interact with her unless absolutely necessary.

No, no, why don't you charge me for everything?" Recently, this kind of strange thing happened in a convenience store in Wuzhou, Guangxi. A member of the rescue team searching for a crashed plane went to the store to pay for something with his mobile phone and got no payment message. The clerk kept on saying that he had been paid for and told him to take his purchases away. Why is this happening? Is there something wrong with the cash register?

Speak of reason, let a person warm heart really. The original shop assistant saw the rescue team on the clothes of the "XX rescue" words, and asked a few words, that is to rescue the plane crash firefighters, deliberately did not receive money. This happened when the payment code was obscured while scanning.

These days, rescue workers are busy, not only working in harsh conditions but also dealing with the visual impact of disaster scenes. Many residents of Wuzhou, Guangxi were deeply moved, and that's what happened.

Rescue team members firmly disagreed, must pay, or do not take things. The clerk refused to take the money, and after some prodding, the rescuers paid half. It's such a moving picture.




标签: phoneassistant