用感官治疗灵魂,用灵魂治疗感官!”这些话不住地在他耳边回响!他的灵魂自然已病入膏肓。感官真的治得了它吗?无辜的血已经流了。用什么来弥补呢?啊!已经无法弥补了。不过,尽管不可能得到宽恕了,但忘却还是可能的。他决计把过去抹掉,像砸烂咬了人的蝰蛇一样把它碾碎。说真的,巴兹尔有什么资格这样同他说话?谁给了他法官的权利去审判别人?他说的话那么可怕,那么耸人听闻,实在不堪忍受。"To cure the soul by means of the senses, and the senses by means of the soul!" How the words rang in his ears! His soul, certainly, was sick to death. Was it true that the senses could cure it? Innocent blood had been
spilled. What could atone for that? Ah! for that there was no atonement;
but though forgiveness was impossible, forgetfulness was possible still,
and he was determined to forget, to stamp the thing out, to crush it as one would crush the adder that had stung one. Indeed, what right had Basil to have spoken to him as he had done? Who had made him a judge
over others? He had said things that were dreadful, horrible, not to be endured-王尔德《道林格雷的画像》