20年前的老掉牙的骗局了,怎么不换换花样啊.还 一连发这么多[捂脸]。脑子跟不上时代的节奏。还是懒的动脑子![捂脸]你换个花样,我还可以看个新鲜。[奸笑]
May I seek your permission to introduce myself and my business offers for your consideration. My name is Brown Acheampong. I am a Financial Expert based in the Republic of Ghana. My clients are located all over the World. At the moment, there is an available fund to the tune of US$2.5 billion that is supposed to be invested in a lucrative project that has good Return on Investment. The Ultimate Beneficial Owner does not want to be mentioned or be part of the transaction either directly or indirectly for security reasons.
The aforementioned amount is to be invested for a period of 10 years and subject to renewal. If you have the capacity and financial strength to handle this offer, feel free to contact me for more details. Please ignore this message if you do not have the capacity to handle this proposal because we will conduct Due Diligence on you to confirm and ascertain your strength and capacity. Thank you for reading.
Sincerely yours,
Brown Acheampong
18/11/2022 18:55:28