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2023-10-11 05:00:00
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!You should consider upgrading via the pip install --upgrade pip command.解决方法:#使用pip install --upgrad


You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.解决方法:

#使用'pip install --upgrade pip'的语句无法执行升级成功

#在root下使用'pip install --upgrade pip'的语句无法执行升级成功



#su root

#curl 网页链接 -o get-pip.py

#sudo python3 get-pip.py --force-reinstall

#pip install django==1.8.2 -i 网页链接 --trusted-host pypi.douban.com


和我的视频(s 174)对应的文本

s 174

suppress /səˈpres

镇压 压制 克制

opposition to the government was quickly suppressed

to suppress one's feelings of anger

to suppress the truth

隐藏 隐瞒 藏匿

to suppress a smile

supremacy /suːˈpreməsi

至上 至高(地位)

the naval supremacy

supreme /suːˈpriːm


the supreme command


the supreme court


supreme happiness

极乐 最 极 无比

surcharge 附加费 额外费用

sure /ʃʊə

I think so,but I'm not sure

肯定 确信的

are you sure this is the right bus

I'm not sure whether he's telling the truth

it's a really good movie,you're sure to enjoy it


one thing is sure,he couldn't have gone far

可相信 确定的

those black clouds are a sure sign it's going to rain

make sure that/of something

弄准确 确实 查明

I'll just make sure (that) the car is locked

make sure you get there before midnight

想办法 确保

sure of oneself 自信

sure I will

我当然会 确实 当然

she sure is tall


for sure 确实 毫无疑问地

she won't lend you any money,and that's for sure

slowly but surely

有把握 稳妥地

surely you remember him

我认为 我想 希望

you know him,surely

surety /ˈʃʊərəti

保证金 担保人

surf 拍岸的浪花 冲浪 运动




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