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2023-10-10 22:41:27
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!SpeakingLily and Gaby are good friends.Lily is a successful online seller.Planning to open an online



Lily and Gaby are good friends.Lily is a successful online seller.Planning to open an online store,Gaby is asking Lily about rules on Shopee.

Gaby:Congratulation,,Lily!You are selected as preferred Seller on Shopee.There are so many things I would like to learn from you.

Lily:Oh,thank you.I just feel very lucky that my friends help me a lot with the everyday operation.

Gaby:That's good.I also plan to open an online store on Shopee,but I am a little confused about the rules on this platform.

Lily:As a member of the Shopee community,you need to adhere to specific rules.For instance,you should avoid uploading fake items.

Gaby:I know it is very important to be familiar with shopee policies and strictly comply with them.

Lily:Yes.Remember,order cancellation,non-shipping.or delayed shipping can have a bad effect on your Shopee performance.

Gaby:Is it difficult to be the preferred Seller?

Lily:It takes time.Failure to abide by the rules leads to termination from the Preferred Seller program.




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