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2023-10-10 22:39:04
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they feel very homesi


Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress. This feeling is often called “culture shock”. It is important to understand it and learn how to deal with it if you want to adapt successfully to your new homeˈs culture.

Generally speaking, there are four stages that you will experience after you move to a foreign country. The first stage is usually referred to as the “excitement” stage. When arriving in a new environment, youˈll be interested in the new culture; everything will seem exciting and everyone will seem friendly.

But it wonˈt be long before you move from the “excitement” stage to the second stage. The excitement you felt before changes to stress. It seems that everything is difficult. The language is hard to learn, friends are difficult to make, and even simple things like shopping have become a challenge. It is at this “stress” stage that you are likely to feel worried and homesick. This is the stage which is referred to as “culture shock”.

大多数移居国外的人可能会经历一段时间,他们会非常想家,有很大的压力。 这种感觉通常被称为“文化冲击”。 如果你想成功地适应新家的文化,了解它并学习如何处理它是很重要的。  

一般来说,在你移居国外后,你会经历四个阶段。 第一阶段通常被称为“兴奋”阶段。 当你到达一个新的环境时,你会对新的文化感兴趣; 每件事看起来都令人兴奋,每个人看起来都很友好。  

但你很快就会从“兴奋”阶段进入第二阶段。 你之前感受到的兴奋会变成压力。 似乎每件事都很困难。 语言很难学,朋友很难交,甚至像购物这样简单的事情都成了挑战。 正是在这个“压力”阶段,你很可能会感到担心和想家。 这一阶段被称为“文化冲击”。  


Today 21:32


Hello!According to the site code scanning records or realization of video monitor-Record, you have recently been to relevant risk sites in Huangpu District, and have been exposed in the same space with nucleic acid abnormal person in the same time period;Later, you will be contacted to determine vour identity(cInsacnntactnr)



"大姨妈来了"英文怎么说?"大姨妈永远不来了"又怎么说?男女都有的"更年期"呢?1, I am on my period: 这个"period"是指"menstrual period",女性生理期。2, It's the(that) time of the month: 简称为T.O.M. 所以有了一个委婉的俏皮说法"Tom is here. "在国外如果女孩儿这样说,你要根据语境判断是不是"汤姆在这儿",如果压根没有啥汤姆,那她指的就是"大姨妈"了。3, Aunt flow is visiting(here): 这个说法更符合中国人的语言习惯,这就是我们中国人把经期叫做"大姨妈"的出处。虽然人们认为西方人更开放,这可能是受到了影视剧的误导。即使这种话题在国外也不是公开谈论的,因为是个人隐私,但有时候又难免提到,所以就用委婉的说法了,可以避免尴尬。4, I'm riding the cotton pony: 这个说法就更有意思了,用到了"暗喻"的修辞手法。把卫生棉(tampon)或者卫生巾(sanitary napkin)比喻成了棉花做的"




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