Java对象的密度极低:例如一个只包含 boolean 属性的对象占用了16个字节内存,对象头占了8个,boolean 属性占了1个,对齐填充占了7个。而实际上只需要一个bit(1/8字节)就够了。
Full的GC让人既爱又怜,一方面,JVM自己管理内存,开发者只需要关心业务逻辑。另一方面,GC就是一个不定时炸弹,对于为了处理大数据而开了很大内存空间的JVM来说,GC 会达到秒级甚至分钟级,这对大数据应用影响极大。
1、标准参数:- ,所有JVM都支持这些参数的功能,且向后兼容。
1、-Xmx4G 设置JVM的最大堆内存,默认为物理内存的四分之一。
2、-Xms1G 设置JVM的最小堆内存,默认为物理内存的十六分之一。
3、-Xmn256M 设置JVM的年轻代内存,建议是最小堆内存的四分之一到二分之一。
4、-Xss1M 设置JVM的栈内存,默认是1M。
5、-XX:MetaspaceSize=256M 设置JVM的元空间内存,元空间多次扩容后超过此值就会Full GC,默认大小20M,其使用本地内存。
6、-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256M 设置JVM的元空间最大内存,默认不设限,建议和MetaspaceSize一样大即256M。
7、-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC 使用CMS垃圾回收器。
8、-XX:+PrintGCDetails 打印GC详细信息。
9、-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError OOM时堆内存dump到当前目录。
APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire,
stirring Dull roots with spring rain.
Be strong, believe in who you are. Be strong, believe in what you feel.
[玫瑰]Sealed books have a smell, straight to the nose and the heart, because it is the smell of forgetting - the memory that has been annihilated.
[玫瑰]The birds began to sing again in the branches, as if nothing had changed under the leaves.
[玫瑰]A shy green bud came out from the top of the tree to see me, and then there were more green buds.
[玫瑰]Spring is wearing new clothes, with the aroma of honeysuckle, is entering each room.
[玫瑰]The wind from all directions makes the flowers fluctuate and vibrate slightly, and the fragrance is refreshing.
[玫瑰]Memories of the youth come, intoxicating: forgotten good names and good times, gently stroked slim hands, proud amber eyes, and braids that are no longer combed with the passage of time.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
好好生活加油英汉双语人生最大的快乐是做到别人说你做不到的事。The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.上帝没有要求我们必须成功,他只要求你尝试尝试。God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you have a try.在我们这个领域中,多数向往成为第一的人,并没有真正思考保持第一所需做的努力。Most of us who aspire to be tops in our fields don't really consider the amount of work required to stay tops.我们播什么种子,及如何播种,造就我们的性格及名誉。It's what each of us sows, and how, that gives us character and prestige.仁慈、善意及体谅他人的种子,播于肥沃的土壤,会出现永恒的友谊、非常有价值的行为,及一个不会被快速遗忘的回忆。我们都是播种的人 ,让我们绝不要忘记!Seeds of kindness, goodwill, and human understanding, planted in fertile soil, spring up into deathless friendships, big deeds of worth, and a memory that will not soon fade out. We are all sowers of seeds, and let us never forget it!#秋日生活打卡季# #头条创作挑战赛#"Andyet,"continuedLordHenry,inhislow,musicalvoice,andwiththatgracefulwaveofthehandthatwasalwayssocharacteristicofhim,andthathehadeveninhisEtondays,"Ibelievethatifonemanweretoliveouthislifefullyandcompletely,weretogiveformtoeveryfeeling,expressiontoeverythought,realitytoeverydream—Ibelievethattheworldwouldgainsuchafreshimpulseofjoythatwewouldforgetallthemaladiesofmediaevalism,andreturntotheHellenicideal—tosomethingfiner,richerthantheHellenicideal,itmaybe.Butthebravestmanamongstusisafraidofhimself.Themutilationofthesavagehasitstragicsurvivalintheself-denialthatmarsourlives.Wearepunishedforourrefusals.Everyimpulsethatwestrivetostranglebroodsinthemindandpoisonsus.Thebodysinsonce,andhasdonewithitssin,foractionisamodeofpurification.Nothingremainsthenbuttherecollectionofapleasure,ortheluxuryofaregret.Theonlywaytogetridofatemptationistoyieldtoit.Resistit,andyoursoulgrowssickwithlongingforthethingsithasforbiddentoitself,withdesireforwhatitsmonstrouslawshavemademonstrousandunlawful.Ithasbeensaidthatthegreateventsoftheworldtakeplaceinthebrain.Itisinthebrain,andthebrainonly,thatthegreatsinsoftheworldtakeplacealso.You,Mr.Gray,youyourself,withyourrose-redyouthandyourrose-whiteboyhood,youhavehadpassionsthathavemadeyouafraid,thoughtsthathavefilledyouwithterror,day-dreamsandsleepingdreamswhosemerememorymightstainyourcheekwithshame—"——《道林格雷的画像》
A great film was taken out from the line,or was banned.Just do something for memory of this.
A Winter Dawn:to the tune of Wu Ye'er
The last rays of daybreak shine.
Wild plants wither on their vine.
Preying on the grassy weeds,
frosty dew drops crystalize.
Foregone:days when I was in my prime,
reduced to a head with thinning hair.
Out there,
a piece of sail lonely on its own.
Memory revived,
life's given me such a bumpy ride.
英译已经无词牌之美,只能借助“修辞学”,尽量让英语“文学语言”丰富些,可读性强些,and nothing more.
Living, one day life will burn out, the body will return to the earth, and will bloom out of flowers and plants. The soul becomes a memory, and lives forever in the hearts of men. Everything in the world is endless, and the cycle of life is so. Izmi Katiss, Steel
It was a bright Saturday morning. I stopped at a café to enjoy a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. Suddenly, I felt a hand on the back of my jacket and heard someone say, “Hey Steve! How are you doing?”
Looking back, I saw a man. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t remember where we had met.
The young man also held a cup of coffee, so I asked him to join me. Very soon, his story began to thaw out my memory.
Five years earlier, Johnson was traveling home late on a February night. A heavy snow had arrived that afternoon, and by midnight, the snowdrifts were getting deep. His car was stuck in a snowdrift just down the road from my house.
He walked to my house for help. I helped him pull his car out of the snowdrift and up to the street where the snow had been cleaned away.
This was a normal happening here during the winter. I couldn’t count the times someone has helped me to pull my car from a snowdrift. However, it was an unforgettable experience for him. He was only eighteen at that time, and he said he was very afraid. No one wants to be stuck in a snowdrift at night.
Sometimes, one simple kindness at the right moment can change the direction of a life. So, be kind and helpful.
这是一个晴朗的星期六早晨。 我在一个café停下来,喝了杯咖啡,读了早报。 突然,我感到一只手在我的夹克背后,听到有人说,“嘿,史蒂夫! 你还好吗?”
回头一看,我看到一个男人。 他看起来很面熟,但我记不起我们在哪儿见过。
那个年轻人也端了一杯咖啡,所以我请他和我一起喝。 他的故事很快就在我的记忆中解冻了。
五年前,在二月的一个深夜,约翰逊在回家的路上。 一个大雪的到来那天下午,到了午夜,雪正变得越来越深。 他的车陷在了我家附近的雪堆里。
他走到我家寻求帮助。 我帮他把车从雪堆里拖出来,开到街上,那里的雪已经被清理干净了。
这在冬天是很正常的事。 我数不清有多少次有人帮我把车从雪堆里拖出来。 然而,这对他来说是一次难忘的经历。 他当时只有十八岁,他说他非常害怕。 没有人愿意晚上被困在雪堆里。
有时候,一个简单的善意在适当的时候可以改变人生的方向。 所以,要友善和乐于助人。
In the long history of 5000 years, under the vast starry sky, too many people have thought about death, too many sparks of wisdom flicker, too thick oriental culture holds up our feet during this period, and there are too long historical disputes, so we have to face this taboo. Neither Epicurus' idea fluctuation nor Nietzsche's thought experiment nor his heroic words of self realization are enough to enable an out and out Chinese people to truly get rid of the fear that life will inevitably lead to death. That is the inherent pain in the depths of every soul and the most humble submission of all living beings to the flood and famine of the universe. Ask heaven what life? What pole is the earth? Where is reincarnation? God ghost ANN has? What joy is there in life and what pain is there in death? Generation after generation, people have been asking questions and pondering hard, but there is no solution. Only the vast sky is watching, waiting and silent.
155 days in memory of Meng Xiang
【学个词 obliterate 】verb 除去;涂去;擦掉;彻底破坏或毁灭
transitive verb
1a: to remove utterly from recognition or memory
//… a successful love crowned all other successes and obliterated all other failures.
— J. W. Krutch
b: to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of
//The tide eventually obliterated all evidence of our sandcastles.
cmedical : to cause (something, such as a bodily part, a scar, or a duct conveying body fluid) to disappear or collapse : REMOVE sense 4
//a blood vessel obliterated by inflammation
2: to make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away
//A dimness like a fog envelops consciousness / As mist obliterates a crag.
— Emily Dickinson
3: CANCEL sense 2
//obliterate a postage stamp
Synonyms & Antonyms
abolish, annihilate, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up), efface, eradicate, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, root (out), rub out, snuff (out), stamp (out), sweep (away), wipe out
//in a stroke, the March snowstorm obliterated our hopes for an early spring
History and Etymology
borrowed from Latin oblīterātus, oblitterātus, past participle of oblīterāre, oblitterāre "to cause to be forgotten or fall into disuse, make disappear," from ob- "against, facing" + -līterāre, litterāre, verbal derivative of lītera, littera LETTER entry 1 — more at OB-#学英语#
Don’t get out of your car if you get pulled over by police.
I was pulled over by a police officer while driving in Iowa. It was one week after I had arrived in the USA for the first time. I had accidentally made a minor mistake disobeying a traffic sign. Back home in Australia it’s considered polite to get out of your car and walk over to the police officer’s car and hand him your license* so he doesn’t have to get out of his seat. I wanted to be extra polite so I immediately jumped out of my car and walked towards his car while reaching into my back pocket.
I’m lucky to be alive.
If you come from a gun-free country like the UK or Australia you don’t have any natural instinct for gun culture. You don’t realize that police assume that everyone is armed.
Things got immediately serious. The police officer’s hand went to his weapon and I responded by dropping to my knees with my hands up. He yelled a bunch of things at me but my memory is vague because my heartbeat was suddenly pulsing in my ears blotting out all sound. I don’t know if he drew his weapon or not. I was staring intently at the ground, shaking and trying to project non-threatening vibes. My next memory is that there were three police cars around me and a bunch of cops who’d been called for backup. They were all keeping their hands close to their guns. After some time passed (a minute? 30 minutes? I have no idea) the tensions de-escalated and they told me to get up. I gave the officer my license and tried to explain why I’d approached him. It was completely incomprehensible to him that there was a place where people don’t fear cops and vice versa at traffic stops. It was as though I was trying to tell him that I came from Narnia and our cops were all talking animals.
I’ve spoken to several British people, New Zealanders, and Australians who have shared almost identical stories. They really need to put signs up in all major US airports.
Don’t get out of your car if stopped by police.
[心]Society has given me more knowledge. But I always feel that I can't do without, and even have to often use, the knowledge I learned when I was a student, so I feel that the knowledge is poor, incomplete and limited.
[心]Sometimes, in the strict teacher picked out a lot of wrong words, sick sentences, or misuse of punctuation, had to smile.
[心]I am very grateful to every teacher and friend who has taught me seriously. Every mistake or deficiency is not due to my poor memory, but because I didn't remember carefully at the beginning.
[心]At this time, there was a feeling of remorse.
[心]I wish I could go back to my student days, to my ruthless teacher, to correct all the mistakes in my memory and fill the blank space of knowledge in that age of abundant time and quick mind.
[心]Turn those wasted time due to playfulness into the time of study and hard work.
[心]Of course, it's a dream. No one can go back to the past. Only when we grasp our own today, our own present, is the most realistic.
take a journey down memory lane 回忆往事
reflect on sth 认真思考…
look back at the past 回看过往
shape me, mold me 塑造我
be surrounded by sb 被…所包围、身边有…
be born and raised in … 在…出生长大
grow up 长大
raise sb 抚养、养大某人
later in my life, we moved to … 后来,我们搬到了…
move to … in hopes of a better life 为了更好的生活而搬到…
spend the next … years of my life 在…度过接下来的几年
move back to … 搬回…
a huge part of my life 我生活中非常重要的一部分
my grandparents on my mom's/dad's side 我的外公外婆/爷爷奶奶
have a positive outlook on life 对生活有很积极的态度
let one's hair down 放松
make friends with … 和…交朋友
get better at sth progressively 在某方面逐渐变好
my dad was always present 我爸爸一直都在我身边
the next phase in my life 我人生的下一个阶段
growing pains 成长的痛苦/烦恼
great memories 美好的回忆
have a lot of fun in those days 在那些日子里非常开心
figure out who I was 弄清楚我自己到底是谁(我是一个什么样的人)
have a greater understanding and appreciation for my culture 对我的文化有更多的了解和欣赏
my high school years were filled with friendships 我的高中时光充满了友谊
if I could go back and change anything, I absolutely wouldn't 即使我能回到过去改变任何东西,我也不会这么做#雅思# #成长# #雅思口语#
Tanghuluis fruit covered with sugar on a stick,a traditional snack from northern China.It's also a necessary snack during the Chinese New Year season.Recently,in northern China,people welcome the return of spring by holding the Tanghulu Fair.
Many Chinese still remember eating Tanghulu when they were young.It is said that the fair has a 500-year-old history.Nowadays,Tanghulu is not only a kind of snack,it is also a sweet memory of our childhood.
Every year,a large number of Tanghulu sellers get together to start delicious Tanghulu Competition during the Spring Festival holidays.In the past,this traditional snack only used haws,but now it also uses grapes,oranges,strawberries and so on.But people like Haw Tanghulu best.They are rich in Vitamin C and E.
Do you know how to make Haw Tanghulu?First,wash the large haws clean,dig the seeds out,and pierce ten haws on a stick.Then they heat the sugar.put the sticks of haws into heated and quickly pull them out.When the sugar on the haws cools down and becomes a candy coat,the Tanghulu is done.Tanghulu is very popular in China.especially in Beijing.It also makes many foreigners want to taste it.
糖葫芦是中国北方的一种传统小吃。 它也是春节期间必不可少的小吃。 最近,在中国北方,人们通过举办糖葫芦节来迎接春天的到来。
许多中国人仍然记得他们年轻时吃糖葫芦。 据说博览会有500年的历史。 如今,糖葫芦不仅是一种零食,它也是我们童年的甜蜜回忆。
每年春节期间,都会有一大批卖糖葫芦的人聚在一起,举办美味糖葫芦大赛。 过去,这种传统小吃只用山楂,现在也用葡萄、橘子、草莓等。 但人们最喜欢的是糖葫芦。 它们富含维生素C和E。
你知道怎么做山楂糖葫芦吗? 先把大山楂洗净,挖出种子,刺十棵山楂在棍子上。 然后加热糖。 将山楂糕放入加热后迅速取出。 当山楂上的糖冷却并变成一层糖衣时,糖葫芦就完成了。 糖葫芦在中国很受欢迎,尤其是在北京。 它也使许多外国人想要品尝它