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Things to do in classroom teaching 在课堂教学中要做的事情
1.speak English as much as possible in class.
2.Let students play their part.They are responsible for about seventy-five percent of the talking that takes place in class.
3.Correct student's mistakes by asking them to repeat the right ones.
4.Introduce one new structure at a time.Make sure students understand it and be able to use it beforegoing on to the next.
5.Practice makes perfect.Language skills need plenty of practice time to acquire.
6.Cultivate students' ability to express themselves in Englsih by using complete sentences.
7.Give compliments.This encourages students to do their best.
8.Make lessons interesting.Once students have their motivation to learn,half the job is done.
9.Textbooks are but tools in teaching.The essence of language is communication.
10.Preparation is the thing.Design the whole term's teaching.Write each lesson plan.Be flexible in class teaching to cater the students' needs.Use afterthoughts to upgrade teaching skills.