Note: The latest stable version is the 3.0 series. Also available is the 1.1.1 series which is our Long Term Support (LTS) version, supported until 11th September 2023. All older versions (including 1.1.0, 1.0.2, 1.0.0 and 0.9.8) are now out of support and should not be used. Users of these older versions are encouraged to upgrade to 3.0 or 1.1.1 as soon as possible. Extended support for 1.0.2 to gain access to security fixes for that version is available .
3. 系列0是最新的稳定版本。LTS一.一.一. 一系列是我们的长期支持版本在2023年9月11日之前,可得到支助。包括1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 图片来自Flickr用户pic. twitter. comwo, 1. 图片来自Flickr用户pic. Zero, 零 Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine. Nine不应该使用。建议这些旧版本的用户尽快更新到3.0或1.1。照片来自Flickr用户Pic. Twitter.
OpenSSL 3.0 is the latest major version of OpenSSL. The OpenSSL FIPS Object Module (FOM) 3.0 is an integrated part of the OpenSSL 3.0 download. You do not need to download the 3.0 FOM separately. Refer to the installation instructions inside the download, and use the "enable-fips" compile time configuration option to build it.
OpenSSL的最新初级版本为3.0。OpenSSL FIPS 对象模块3.0是 OpenSSL 3.0 下载的一个基本组成部分。您不需要自己下载 3 FOM 。请看内部安装指令下载 。并使用“ enable- fips” 编译配置设置构建它 。系统网专业应用软件下载教程,免费windows10系统,win11,办公软件,OA办公系统,OA软件,办公自动化软件,开源系统,移动办公软件等信息,解决一体化的办公方案。