A CPU is the central processing unit of a computer that performs most of the computational work. The speed and number of cores of the CPU are the most important factors to consider while selecting a CPU for a computer. Some popular CPUs in the market are Intel Core i5 and i7 and AMD Ryzen 5 and 7.
2. Motherboard
The motherboard is the backbone of a computer. It connects all the components and allows them to communicate with each other. While selecting a motherboard, one should consider the CPU socket, the RAM speed, and the number of PCIe slots that are required to connect peripherals. Some popular motherboards are MSI Z370-A Pro and ASUS Prime Z390-A.
3. RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is a volatile memory that stores various data that the CPU requires for immediate use. The amount of RAM required depends on the applications that need to be run on the computer. Usually, a minimum of 8GB RAM is recommended for most applications. Some popular RAMs in the market are Corsair Vengeance LPX and HyperX Fury.
4. Storage
Two types of storage are available for computers – HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and SSD (Solid State Drive). HDDs are slower and have more storage capacity while SSDs are faster and have less storage capacity. A combination of both can be used to get the best of both worlds. Some popular HDDs are Seagate Barracuda and Western Digital Blue while some popular SSDs are Samsung 860 Evo and Crucial MX500.
5. Graphics card
A graphics card is necessary for running graphic-intensive applications like gaming and video editing. The performance of a graphics card depends on the gaming resolution and frame rate required. Nvidia and AMD are the two major players in the graphics card market. Some popular graphics cards are Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 and AMD Radeon RX 580.
6. Power supply
The power supply unit (PSU) is responsible for supplying power to all the components of the computer. The power requirement of a computer depends on the CPU and graphics card. The PSU should have sufficient wattage to support all the components. Some popular PSUs in the market are Corsair CX Series and EVGA BQ Series.
7. Cooling system
A cooling system is necessary to prevent the components from overheating. There are two types of cooling systems – air cooling and liquid cooling. Air cooling is simpler and cheaper while liquid cooling is more effective but expensive. While selecting a cooling system, the amount of heat generated by the CPU and graphics card should be taken into consideration. Some popular cooling systems are Cooler Master Hyper 212 and Corsair Hydro Series.
8. Case
The case serves as a protective covering for the components and also adds to the aesthetics of the computer. The size of the case should be selected based on the size of the motherboard and the number of components that need to be added. Some popular cases are NZXT H440 and Corsair Carbide SPEC-04.
9. Peripherals
Peripherals are additional components that can be added to the computer to enhance its functionality. Some popular peripherals are monitors, speakers, keyboards, and mice. The selection of peripherals should be based on personal preferences and budget constraints. Some popular monitors are ASUS VG248QE and BenQ GL2460HM while some popular keyboards are Logitech G413 and Corsair K70 RGB.
10. Operating system
1. CPU
中央处理器(CPU)是笔记本电脑中最重要的组成部分之一,因为它是电脑的大脑,所有的计算和处理都是由它完成的。当考虑选购一个好的 CPU 时,需要考虑运行速度、核心数量以及热量产生等因素。
目前市场上主流的 CPU 品牌有英特尔和 AMD,中央处理器型号种类繁多,最新的型号会相应更贵,但是也会相应地提供更高的性能表现。如果你是一个电子游戏爱好者或者需要用笔记本电脑进行复杂的图像编辑工作,那么 i7 或者 i9 这种高档型号是不二之选。
2. 显卡
显卡是笔记本电脑中的重要部分,它是负责渲染图形和视频的硬件。笔记本电脑中有两种类型的显卡:集成和独立。集成显卡是嵌入在 CPU 中的,而独立显卡则是一块独立的板卡。
如果您希望您的笔记本电脑用于高性能游戏或视频制作,我们建议您选择一款独立显卡。最新的 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 或 RTX 显卡都是很不错的选择,这些显卡可以为您的游戏和其他计算任务提供非常好的性能,并且还包括一些新的功能(如实时光追踪等)。
3. 内存
我们建议您选择 DDR4 类型的内存。对于一款性能良好和可靠的笔记本电脑,8GB 或 16GB 的内存应该是足够了。对于那些需要进行复杂处理或者大型图像处理的用户,我们建议选择 32GB 或 64GB 的内存,可以让电脑保持非常好的性能。
4. 硬盘
硬盘是您笔记本电脑中存储数据的地方。随着时间的推移,许多新的技术已经出现,例如 SATA、NVMe、SSD 等,这些技术可以让您的硬盘具有更快的读写速度和更好的数据储存能力。在选择硬盘时,我们建议您选择快速的 SSD(固态硬盘)。
5. 屏幕
屏幕是您用于查看图片、视频和游戏的重要组成部分。因此,在选择笔记本电脑时,需要选择一个能够满足您需求的大小和分辨率的屏幕才行。在市面上可以选择到各种尺寸的小屏幕笔记本电脑,如 13 英寸、15 英寸和 17 英寸,分辨率则从 1080P 到 4K 等多种选择。
6. 外设接口
最后一个需要考虑的问题就是笔记本电脑的外设及接口。多数追求性能的游戏玩家或者创建者需要使用外接键盘、鼠标、音响甚至显示器, 因此笔记本电脑需要在外接设备方面提供至少一个 USB-C 或 USB-A 接口。在寻找合适的笔记本电脑时,多检查一下是否适合你的需求及所拥有的外接设备。