您现在的位置是:首页» windows系统» ping自己能通但是ping不通别人,能ping通别人别人却ping不通自己


2023-10-15 18:02:35





1. 网络故障:网络连接可能中断或不稳定。如果你连接的是Wi-Fi网络,你可以尝试重新连接或者尝试更换另一个Wi-Fi网络。如果你使用的是有线网络,你可以检查网线是否插好或者更换网线。

2. 防火墙阻止了Ping:防火墙可能会阻止Ping请求。如果你的Windows系统启用了防火墙,请检查防火墙设置并确保Ping请求没有被阻止。

3. 目标地址错误:如果你输入的IP地址或域名有误,Ping请求肯定会失败。请确保你输入的IP地址或域名是正确的。

4. 目标地址不在线:如果目标地址不在线或者不响应请求,Ping请求也会失败。例如,当你Ping一台关闭的计算机时,你肯定会看到Ping不通的情况。


1. 检查网络连接:首先,你需要检查网络连接是否正常。如果使用的是Wi-Fi网络,请尝试重新连接或更换另一个Wi-Fi网络。如果使用的是有线网络,请检查网线是否插好或更换网线。

2. 禁用防火墙:如果启用了防火墙,你需要确保Ping请求没有被阻止。如果需要,你可以暂时禁用防火墙以测试Ping请求。请注意,禁用防火墙可能会暴露计算机安全风险,因此在测试完毕后,应重新启用防火墙。

3. 确保目标地址正确:确保输入的IP地址或域名正确无误,如果需要,可以在浏览器中打开目标地址进行测试。

4. 确认目标地址在线:如果目标地址不在线或未响应请求,那么Ping请求肯定会失败。请检查目标地址是否在线并返回请求。


Pinging is a crucial part of network communication. However, sometimes you may face a situation where you cannot ping the other person, but the other person can ping you. This can be frustrating and can cause a breakdown in communication. In this article, we will explore the reasons why you may be facing this issue and how to resolve it.

1. Check for Firewall Settings

Firewalls are designed to protect your computer from unauthorized access. However, they can also block incoming ping requests. If you are unable to ping the other person, but they can ping you, check your firewall settings. Ensure that the firewall is not blocking ping requests.

2. Check Network Configuration

Another reason why you may be unable to ping the other person is due to network configuration issues. Check that both computers are connected to the same network. If they are not, ensure that the necessary network configuration is done to allow communication between them.

3. Check IP Address

Sometimes, the issue could be with the IP address. Ensure that the IP address you are using to ping the other person is correct. If the IP address is incorrect, the ping request will fail.

4. Check Network Hardware

Faulty network hardware such as network cables or routers could be causing the issue. Check that the network cables are connected properly and are not damaged. If you are using a router, ensure that it is functioning correctly and that the settings are correct.

5. Check for Malware or Viruses

Malware or viruses can affect the network settings on your computer, making it difficult to communicate with other computers. Run a malware scan to check for any threats to your computer. If any threats are found, remove them and try pinging the other person again.




标签: 不通 ping