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sql server2012总结,sqlserver2012评估已过期

2023-10-15 15:11:40
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!SQL Server 2012: The Ultimate Relational Database Management SystemSQL Server 2012 is a powerful rel


SQL Server 2012: The Ultimate Relational Database Management System

SQL Server 2012 is a powerful relational database management system that has been designed to store and retrieve large quantities of data efficiently. It is a product of Microsoft Corporation and is widely used in various industries such as finance, healthcare, education and many more. In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of SQL Server 2012.

Advantages of SQL Server 2012

SQL Server 2012 offers numerous benefits to businesses and individuals alike. Here are some of the most significant advantages of using SQL Server 2012:

1. Enhanced security

With SQL Server 2012, you can protect your data from unauthorized access, tampering, or theft. This is achieved through a variety of security features such as role-based access, encryption, and authentication. In addition, SQL Server 2012 supports the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to provide secure communication between clients and servers.

2. Scalability and performance

SQL Server 2012 is designed to handle high volumes of data with ease. It has a powerful indexing system that enables quick data retrieval, even when dealing with large data sets. Moreover, SQL Server 2012 supports parallel data processing, which allows for faster query execution and improved performance.

3. Business intelligence capabilities

SQL Server 2012 comes with a range of business intelligence tools, such as Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Integration Services. These tools allow you to extract, transform, and analyze data in various formats, enabling you to make informed business decisions.

Features of SQL Server 2012

SQL Server 2012 is packed with several features that make it an ideal database management system. Here are some of the features that make it stand out from the rest:

1. AlwaysOn Availability Groups

AlwaysOn Availability Groups is a feature that enables you to create a high availability and disaster recovery solution. It allows you to configure multiple replicas of a database and keep them synchronized in real-time. This ensures that your data is always available, even in the event of a system failure or a disaster.

2. Columnstore Indexes

Columnstore indexes are a new feature in SQL Server 2012 that enable you to store and retrieve data more efficiently. They work by storing data in columns rather than rows, which makes it possible to execute large queries faster, even when dealing with millions of rows.

3. Data Quality Services

Data Quality Services is a powerful feature that allows you to cleanse and standardize your data. It helps you to identify and fix data errors, such as spelling mistakes, duplicates, and missing values, and ensures that your data is accurate and reliable.


SQL Server 2012评估期已过,如何继续使用?

SQL Server 2012是一款非常著名的数据库管理系统,但它的评估期并不长,如果评估期过了,我们该怎么办呢?其实,很多人并不知道,即使评估期过了,我们还是可以继续使用SQL Server 2012,只需要进行一定的操作即可。

一、了解SQL Server 2012的评估期

首先,我们需要了解SQL Server 2012的评估期是多长时间。一般来说,SQL Server 2012的评估期为180天,也就是说,我们在安装SQL Server 2012之后,可以免费使用180天,如果超过了这个时间,系统就会提示我们无法继续使用。

二、如何继续使用SQL Server 2012

但是,如果我们已经使用了SQL Server 2012超过了180天,这并不代表我们就无法继续使用了。下面介绍两种可以继续使用SQL Server 2012的方法。

1、重装SQL Server 2012

我们可以通过重装SQL Server 2012来继续使用。只要重新安装SQL Server 2012,并进行激活,就可以继续使用了。当然,这也意味着,我们需要重新配置SQL Server 2012,包括数据库和其他设置。

2、购买SQL Server 2012许可证

另外一种方法就是购买SQL Server 2012的许可证。当我们购买了许可证之后,就可以在不重新安装的情况下继续使用SQL Server 2012,而且还可以得到正版的技术支持和升级服务。

三、为什么要继续使用SQL Server 2012

如果我们已经超过了SQL Server 2012的评估期,为什么还要继续使用它呢?其实,SQL Server 2012在数据库管理方面有很多优点,比如性能优化、数据可靠性、安全性等方面都有所提高。

另外,如果我们已经建立了大量的数据库和表格,如果要更换数据库管理系统,需要花费大量的时间和精力。而且,SQL Server 2012已经是一款成熟的数据库管理系统,已经得到了广泛的应用和认可。


虽然SQL Server 2012评估期已经过了,但是我们还是可以通过重装或者购买许可证的方式继续使用它。而且,SQL Server 2012在数据库管理方面有着很多优点,是值得我们继续使用的。当然,如果我们想要享受更好的技术支持和升级服务,还是建议我们购买正版的许可证。




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