1. Contrast and brightness are two of the core elements that aid in creating a visually appealing image. Contrast is the difference between the lightest and darkest elements of an image. Increasing the level of contrast in an image can often help to make it stand out more, creating a more dynamic and vivid appearance.
2. Brightness is a measure of the amount of light being emitted from an image. It can be manipulated by changing the lighting of a photo, or by making adjustments to the exposure settings of a camera. Increasing the brightness of an image can often make it appear livelier, or help it to stand out more against its surroundings.
3. Contrast and brightness are two important facets of any image, and manipulating them properly can help to make a great photo. High contrast images, such as photographs of a city skyline, are great for making the scene stand out and providing a striking visual impact. Lower contrasts, such as photographs of nature, are often used to invoke a feeling of tranquillity and beauty.
4. Increasing the brightness of an image can make it appear more vibrant, and make the subject of the photo stand out more. For example, brightening a portrait can give the person in the picture more life and personality. However, too much brightness can have an opposite effect and make the photo seem washed out or artificial.