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2023-10-12 20:18:16
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!I can only speak for myself. I want my wife to stay home and take care of the house, do the school r


I can only speak for myself. I want my wife to stay home and take care of the house, do the school runs, make me dinner, do our washing and generally run our lives.

When our daughter was born, I stayed home with her and my wife worked. When our daughter was 6 my wife had a seizure in the middle of the night, never had one before, never had one since (thanks meds), and after months of tests they never did find out what caused it.

It did some damage and her memory isn't as good as it was, she can’t process things as quickly and can’t follow anything to complex, she gets tired and sometimes I am not as funny as I think I am (must be a side effect of the seizure because I am sure I am hilarious)

I want her to stay home and do what she can, to sleep when she gets tired, to get to know neighbors, to do gardening (which apparently is fun not work), to be happy. Rather than go back to work, cry every night about the job and then lose her job due to not being able to keep up, which is what did happen when she insisted she was ok to go to work.

We are lucky that I make enough now that we can live with one income, we had some very rough years at first but now 9 years later we are happy as can be, I still do the stuff she really hates doing around the house (who doesnt love cleaning up Puke from sick kids), and she is doing all she can.

No One Size fits all in relationships


We were living in Australia and we received a phone call that my wife's mother in England had taken ill and had been rushed to hospital and she was not likely to survive. I immediately went on line and booked a flight for her to Engand so that she would hopefully get there before her mum died and we decided that I would stay home in Australia to look after our four children as money was tight and we could not afford for us all to go. That evening when we got to the airport to check in for the flight, my wife was visibly upset and the lady at check in asked what the problem was. I explained what had happened with her mum and the lady sympathised and issued her boarding pass. A few hours later I said goodbye to my wife and she boarded the plane. I was worried about her having to travel all of that way alone more so because she was so upset about her mum but I couldn't go with her because of our four children and I needed to stay and look after them. She rang me thirty hours later from her mum's home and told me that when she boarded the plane the steward looked at her boarding pass and said “Colleen come with me your flying first class tonight, I will be your cabin steward” he took her through to the pointy end of the aircraft and showed her to her seat and said that he would make up the bed for her when she was ready and told my wife to call him if there's anything that she needed. They watched over her for the whole flight and i can't thank the Qantas staff enough for what they did for my wife.

** My wife went straight to the hospital when she arrived in England and was able to spend a little time with her mum before she passed away.


My wife passed away after a very short illness. The Christmas eve after she passed, a letter from her arrived at my house. She’d given it to a friend to give to me.

It spoke of her thanks to me for taking care of her until the end. She said she would love me forever. She told me where our tax papers were, where the GOOD corkscrew was, and that my good pens were in her table side drawer.

The letter went on about funny things as well as serious spiritual things. She spoke of our love and ways to handle grieving. She sent messages to my folks, her daughter and others.

Lastly, she spoke about me moving on. She said to be ready to turn our house into another wife's house when I remarried. She also had ideas about things I needed to be careful of.

It’s now 19 years later and I read her letter often. I still cry. My new wife cries too when she reads it. In fact, she loves and thinks of my late wife as a dear friend.



















#广州头条# 刚刚才看到,原来广州免费花生地铁WiFi运营方已经在今年1月1日退出了。




My wife and I fostered 3 girls who were in their early teens and came to us from highly abusive homes. They brought all kinds of issues with them starting with intense anger and fear. It took months before each trusted us. They each had maladaptive behaviors that needed to be addressed. Punishment wasn’t an option, they simply didn’t deserve it. It was obvious each one of them was in need of long term therapy, unconditional love, a safe home, and very intentional and loving parenting. Fostering them was beyond intense. We fostered each for about a year and then we adopted them. Our dance card was full.

We have four daughters. One shares DNA with us and three do not. All four are now middle age, strong independent women, with families of their own. They still call us Mom and Dad.


My dad remarried after he and mum divorced. His wife was lovely, so no issues there. I went to visit one year and he told me they were having a baby. I stayed in my usual room and played with my usual array of toys for my visit.

The next year, I met my new half-brother, and while I got to stay in my room again, the vibe was different. We didn’t stop by the video store to get a week’s worth of movies and cartoons, dad took me to the local twice but only got me one coke because they were charging now. I had to be quiet around the house. Neither dad nor step-mum had time to play with me at all.

The next time I visited, I found out she had been pregnant again and I had a half-sister. I went to go stay in my usual room, but was told it was my half-brother’s room. They had a cot set up for me in what was the lounge, now a play room. They’d renovated and extended the house. The vibe was even worse - I was a guest in their house, not their son any more, it felt.

At age 18, I got a card and $20. The note on the card wished me a happy birthday, but advised in no uncertain terms that I was a man now, and no longer needed to be a part of their lives.

It hurt me for a long time. Then I found out his his new kids were absolute terrors and it made me feel better.






老夫老妻也有自己的浪漫,男的出去打猎,女的在家苦练厨艺,做烤全鸭,(将翱将翔,弋凫与雁。 弋言加之,与子宜之。)然后吃吃喝喝,搞搞文艺,白头偕老(宜言饮酒,与子偕老。 琴瑟在御,莫不静好。)


honey-do list

bucket list

hit list 都是什么意思?

1,honey do list:(妻子列给丈夫的)假日家务。这是一个美国俚语。妻子经常给丈夫分配家务活,会说: honey(亲爱的) do this, honey do that, 这个do其实是"to do", 就是需要完成的很多活。原来指丈夫节假日休息时被分配的任务,现在则泛指了,不一定是节假日了。

例句:My wife will prepare a long honey-do list for me on this holiday. I don't think I will have much time off.这个假期,我妻子会为我准备一长串要做的事。我想我没啥休息时间。

2,bucket list : 在说这个短语之前先说说"kick the bucket"的意思。bucket是水桶,据说古代英国人自杀时会用水桶垫着脚,脚一踢水桶,就上吊了。所以"kick the bucket"是指死亡。那么"bucket list" 是指人在临死前的一些愿望的清单,也就是"遗愿清单"的意思。后来这个词的含义范围扩大了,泛指任何一系列想做还没有来得及做的事情。

例句:China had been in my travel bucket list, now I can take it off after this trip . 中国一直在我的旅行愿望清单上,现在我可以在这次旅行后把它√掉了。

3,hit list :这个短语好理解一些,"hit"指攻击,打击。翻译成"打击名单,暗杀名单,致命清单"等。

例句: What companies are on the government's hit list? 政府的整顿名单里都有哪些公司呢?

#今日头条# #考研# #英语# #萌宠#

恶霸犬(American Bully)




标签: WiFi