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2023-10-12 07:04:42
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!苹果开了“口” 隐私悄无踪? 悄悄的他来了,默默的我们的隐私被带走了。当我们的手指在苹果产品上丝滑地触动,享受着给我们带来舒畅时,一双黑瞳也在偷偷地窥视着我们在虚拟世界的点点滴滴。“春光乍泄”的Saf


苹果开了“口” 隐私悄无踪?




近期,网络安全团队发现,iPhone并没有我们想象那样安全。iPhone浏览器Safari 的 WebKit 引擎中 IndexedDB API 存在漏洞,这可能导致我们的浏览活动甚至用户身份泄露给任何利用此漏洞的人。IndexedDB 是一种广泛使用的浏览器 API,为防止跨站脚本攻击导致数据泄露,IndexedDB 遵循“同源”策略,控制哪些资源可以访问每条数据。

然而,FingerprintJS的分析师发现,IndexedDB API并未遵循 macOS 上Safari 15使用的 WebKit 应用中的同源策略,导致敏感数据泄露。此隐私侵犯漏洞还会影响在最新 iOS 和 iPadOS 版本中使用相同浏览器引擎的 Web 浏览器。

通过违反同源策略,在 iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS 上的 Safari 15 中实现 IndexedDB 允许任何网站绘制在同一会话中创建的数据库名称,由于数据库名称通常是唯一的且特定于网站,这本质上就像将浏览历史泄露给任何人一样。

据分析师称,通过此漏洞识别某人需要登录并访问流行的网站,如 YouTube 和 Facebook,或谷歌日历和谷歌 Keep 等服务。

值得注意的是,由于这是 WebKit 的存在的漏洞,因此任何使用此特定引擎的浏览器(例如,Brave 或 iOS 版 Chrome)也容易受到攻击。该漏洞已于 2021 年 11 月 28 日向 WebKit Bug Tracker 报告,目前该漏洞仍未得到解决。


一种被称为“NoReboot”的攻击手段不需要利用iOS 上的任何漏洞,而是依赖于人类水平的欺骗,因此 Apple 无法对其进行修补。

安全研究人员发现,通过一种木马概念验证工具可以将特制代码注入到三个 iOS进程 ,通过禁用iPhone关机指令来伪造关机。该木马通过挂钩发送到“SpringBoard”(用户界面交互进程)的信号来劫持关机事件。代替预期的信号,木马将发送一个代码,强制“SpingBoard”退出,使设备对用户输入无响应。在这种情况下,这是完美的伪装,因为进入关机状态的设备自然不再接受用户输入。接下来,命令“BackBoardd”进程显示指示关闭过程正在进行的旋转轮。

“BackBoardd”是另一个 iOS 进程,它记录物理按钮单击和带有时间戳的屏幕触摸事件,因此滥用它可以让木马知道用户何时尝试“打开”手机。


Apple 在 iOS 15 中引入了一项新功能,使用户即使在关机的情况下也可以通过“查找”来定位他们的 iPhone。研究人员发现它是通过保持蓝牙PM 芯片处于活动状态并在 iPhone 关闭时自动运行来实现的。在关闭所有用户与设备的交互时,蓝牙芯片会继续通过在低功耗模式下运行向附近的设备宣传其存在,尽管间隔大于默认的 15 分钟。原来关了机的iPhone,其实还在“低调”地活动着。


微软研究发现,powerdir 漏洞允许非法访问受保护的 macOS 用户数据,黑客可以利用这个漏洞绕过透明度、许可和控制 (TCC) 技术来访问用户受保护的数据。

TCC 是一种安全技术,旨在通过允许 macOS 用户为其系统上安装的应用程序和连接到其 Mac 的设备(包括摄像头和麦克风)配置隐私设置来阻止应用程序访问敏感的用户数据。

虽然 Apple 将 TCC 访问权限限制为具有完整磁盘访问权限的应用程序,并设置了自动阻止未经授权的代码执行的功能,但 Microsoft 安全研究人员发现,攻击者可以植入第二个特制的 TCC 数据库,允许他们访问受保护的用户信息。





Trump prepares to launch 3rd campaign for the White House


Former President Donald Trump is preparing to launch his third campaign for the White House on Tuesday, looking to move on from disappointing midterm defeats and defy history amid signs that his grip on the Republican Party is waning. Trump had hoped to use the GOP’s expected gains in last week’s elections as a springboard to vault himself to his party’s nomination. Instead, he finds himself being blamed for backing a series of losing candidates after Republicans failed to take control of the Senate. While the party was on the cusp of retaking control of the House on Tuesday, it could end up with its narrowest majority in decades.



来自美联社(AP News)

launch a campaign/project



英 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ]

adj. 令人失望的,令人扫兴的

v. (使)失望(disappoint 的现在分词形式)

Something that is disappointing is not as good or as large as you hoped it would be. 令人失望的

The wine was excellent, but the meat was overdone and the vegetables disappointing.



英 [ɡrɪp] 美 [ɡrɪp]

n. 紧握;掌握,控制;理解;

v. 握紧,夹住;(尤指通过摩擦力)牢牢地附着,紧贴;

If you get a grip on yourself, you make an effort to control or improve your behaviour or work. 控制 ; 完善

Part of me was very frightened and I consciously had to get a grip on myself.



英 [ɡrɪp] 美 [ɡrɪp]

n. 紧握;掌握,控制;理解;不打滑,走得稳;手柄;紧握(或抓牢)的方式;(拍摄电影时)摄影机和照明设备管理人员;<英>发夹;旅行袋

v. 握紧,夹住;(尤指通过摩擦力)牢牢地附着,紧贴;

vault himself to his party's nomination



英 [kʌsp] 美 [kʌsp]

n. 尖头;尖端

If you say that someone or something is on the cusp, you mean they are between two states, or are about to be in a particular state. 介于两个状态之间; 将要进入特定状态

I am sitting on the cusp of middle age.


#奥运英语#史上超全奥运运动英文名称,最近东京奥运会已经开始了,一起学习运动项目英文吧, 别忘了收藏起来坚持学习哦~ 点赞!关注!转发!收藏!

#英语词汇#Foil 花剑 

Epee 重剑 

Sabre 佩剑 

synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台 

synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板 

#北京冬奥#【收藏!北京冬奥双语运动项目名称】 时隔13年 ,奥运圣火将再次在北京点燃,北京将成为全球首座“双奥”之城!本次冬奥有哪些精彩的比赛项目? 冰壶,短道速滑、高山滑雪,用英语怎么表达?值得收藏!点赞!转发!关注!


Personal development is your springboard to personal excellence.


Ongoing, continuous, non-stop personal development literally assures you that there is no limit to what you can accomplish.


The only people who achieve much are those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while the conditions are still favorable.


Favorable conditions never come.


Some Changes on Berkshire’s Board

The composition of our board will change in two ways this spring. One change will involve the Chace family, which has been connected to Berkshire and its predecessor companies for more than a century. In 1929, the first Malcolm G. Chace played an important role in merging four New England textile operations into Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates. That company merged with Hathaway Manufacturing in 1955 to form Berkshire Hathaway, and Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. became its chairman.

Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!  



Stereotypical ~ Fidget


1. Stereotype (ical) ~ n./adj. An oversimplified standardized image of a person or group. To reduce somebody, to categorize individuals or groups according to an oversimplified standardized image or idea. i.e. All blacks are hard to get along with, all whites are dumb. Having the qualities that you expect a particular type of person to have.

2. Fidget ~ v. Move around nervously, to move around in a restless, absent-minded, or uneasy manner. Fiddle with something nervously, to fiddle or play with something in a restless, absent-minded, or uneasy manner. i.e. He kept fidgeting with his glasses as he spoke to her. To make continuous, small movements that annoy other people.


1... (a) Because he holds stereotypical views about women, Grandpa thinks that girls belong in the kitchen and not in the boardroom. (b) Stereotypical statements and racial jokes kept pouring out of the comedian’s mouth, offending many of the people in the audience. (c) There are many stereotypical views about the students in China today, that I try to change.

2... (a) Because he has ADHD, the squirming boy can’t help but fidget in his classroom seat. (b) Anxious audience members were tired of waiting on the singer to appear and began to fidget in their seats. (c) On the very last day of school, in late spring, all the kids were fidgeting waiting to get out for summer vacation.




标签: 重启 越狱 崩溃