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手机打开浏览器aboutblank,about blank

2023-10-10 23:59:52
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!德国保平,出线留有生机!美翻啦!比宜家更好逛 小众高颜值家居店铺小鱼家的杂货店梵云优尚明天理想家aboutblankGOING HOME生活馆奶酪森林2021cvt松子版,新车。60码以上的速度过减速



美翻啦!比宜家更好逛 小众高颜值家居店铺










6.xerox 英 [ˈzɪərɒks]  美 [ˈzɪrɑːks] v.复印

The secretary is xeroxing a file for me.


7.disguise 英 [dɪsˈɡaɪz]  美 [dɪsˈɡaɪz]  v.伪装;掩饰,掩盖

Miss Bear disguised herself as a panda by wearing black stockings.


8.eligible 英 [ˈelɪdʒəbl]  美 [ˈelɪdʒəbl]  adj.符合条件的;(尤指婚姻等)合适的,合意的

Children under 1.2m tall are eligible for free tickets.


9.blank 英 [blæŋk]  美 [blæŋk]  adj.(纸等)空白的 n.空白,空白处

Your notepad is blank; write some notes about the meeting!


10.repressive 英 [rɪˈpresɪv]  美 [rɪˈpresɪv]  adj.压抑的

The birds live in a repressive world where the Crow King prevents them from singing.



16. I taught myself German 我自学徳语

17. This whole thing was your deal 整件事都是你搞出来的

18. He can't stop thinking about it他没办法不再想这件事

19. How stupid you are 你多么愚蠢啊

20. He has eventually become a singer 他最终成了一名歌手

21. Today is my sixteenth birthday 今天是我十六岁的生日

22. He may be right 他可能是对的

23. You're moody 你喜怒无常

24. I'd like to check out 我想结账

25. I admitted I did it 我承认是我干的

26. How can I get to the police station 我怎么去警察局

27. Which season do you like the best 你最喜欢哪个季节

28. She dropped the teapot 她把茶壶弄掉了

29. It's more difficult than you think 它比你想象的要难

30. She dived into the swimming pool 她跳入了游泳池

31. Do you mind if I smoke 你介意我抽烟吗

32. The bus station is on the right side. 公共汽车站在右边

33. Money cannot buy happiness.金钱买不到幸福

34. You're the best man for job 你是最适合做这份工作的

35. We played basketball yesterday 我们昨天打篮球了

36. Do you smoke 你抽烟吗

37. Tomorrow we'll have a history test. 明天我们将进行历史测验

38. We were all laughing when he come in. 他进来时,我们正笑

39. Do you live alone 你一个人住吗

40. Where is the key to the office 办公室的钥匙在哪里

41. I can't find the shampoo 我找不到洗发水了

42. I wish I lived in New York 我希望住在纽约

43. Please fill out this form 请填写这份表格

44. Never be afraid of making mistakes. 不要害怕犯错误

45. They don't even know why


46. Are you afraid of him 你怕他吗

47. It doesn't seem like that 似乎不像是那样

48. What did you eat for lunch 你们午饭吃了什么

49. He was sent into prison for stealing 他由于偷窃被送入监狱

50. Is your father feeling any better 你的父亲身体好些了吗

51. Where is Lisa today 莉莎今天在哪里

52. His temperature seems to be all right 他的体温好像完全正常

53. He's not to open it 他不打算打开它

54. I can't bear the paiy any longer 我再无法忍受这份痛苦了

55. Can't you run any faster 你不能再跑快一点吗

56. The weather has been especially cold 最近天气特别冷

57. I can't quite remember 我不太记得了

58. Why apologize and ask his pardon 为什么不道个歉,请求他原谅呢

59. The price depends on the quality 价格取决于质量

60. I often go swimming in summer 夏天我经常去游泳

61. My spelling is terrible 我的拼写能力很差

62. I can't drink coffee 我不能喝咖啡

63. I just finished lunch 我刚刚吃完了午饭

64. The next paper ie blank


The Birth of a Brain

The child is born with an unfinished brain and not, as the postulate of the old pedagogy affirmed, with an unoccupied brain.

Gaston Bachelard, The Philosophy of No:A Philosophy of the New Scientific Mind (1940)

Genius without education is like silver in the mine.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

THE FACT THAT NEWBORN BABIES IMMEDIATELY EXHIBIT SOPHISTICATED knowledge of objects, numbers, people, and languages refutes the hypothesis that their brains are nothing but blank slates, sponges that absorb whatever the environment imposes on them. A simple prediction ensues: if we could dissect the brain of a newborn, we should observe, at birth and perhaps even earlier,well-organized neuronal structures corresponding to each of those major domains of knowledge.

This idea has long been contested. Until about twenty years ago, the newborn's brain was terra incognita. Brain imaging had just been invented -it had not been applied to developing brains yet- -and the predominant theoretical vision was that of empiricism, the idea that the brain is born void of all knowledge, influenced only by its environment. It was only with the advent of sophisticated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods that we were finally able to visualize the early organization of the human brain and discover that, in agreement with our expectations, virtually all the circuits of the adult brain are already present in that of a newborn baby.




Gaston Bachelard《否定哲学:新科学头脑的哲学》(1940)


富兰克林 本杰明 (1706-1790)



11.25 Bianca gives us exercises in moderation every day. Thank you Mom![拥抱][拥抱][拥抱]


Suggested answers for yesterday:


Grammar exercises for today:

169. A clever reader treats reading as making a dialogue with writers, enquires about their writing _____ (intend) and develops a habit of underlining key points and ____ ( take) some notes in the blank.


I taught my first investing class 70 years ago. Since then, I have enjoyed working almost every year with students of all ages, finally “retiring” from that pursuit in 2018.

Along the way, my toughest audience was my grandson’s fifth-grade class. The 11-year-olds were squirming in their seats and giving me blank stares until I mentioned Coca-Cola and its famous secret formula. Instantly, every hand went up, and I learned that “secrets” are catnip to kids.

Teaching, like writing, has helped me develop and clarify my own thoughts. Charlie calls this phenomenon the orangutan effect: If you sit down with an orangutan and carefully explain to it one of your cherished ideas, you may leave behind a puzzled primate, but will yourself exit thinking more clearly.

Talking to university students is far superior. I have urged that they seek employment in (1) the field and (2) with the kind of people they would select, if they had no need for money. Economic realities, I acknowledge, may interfere with that kind of search. Even so, I urge the students never to give up the quest, for when they find that sort of job, they will no longer be “working.”

Charlie and I, ourselves, followed that liberating course after a few early stumbles. We both started as part- timers at my grandfather’s grocery store, Charlie in 1940 and I in 1942. We were each assigned boring tasks and paid little, definitely not what we had in mind. Charlie later took up law, and I tried selling securities. Job satisfaction continued to elude us.

Finally, at Berkshire, we found what we love to do. With very few exceptions, we have now “worked” for many decades with people whom we like and trust. It’s a joy in life to join with managers such as Paul Andrews or the Berkshire families I told you about last year. In our home office, we employ decent and talented people – no jerks. Turnover averages, perhaps, one person per year.

Sometimes life can be tough, and it is easy to focus on the negative. However, those who are true to the positive and joys of life will see this story for what it really is — The true way we should view life and all its wonders.

Read the story below and let it change your thinking about life!

Two men are seriously ill and in the same hospital room. For an hour each day, the nurses would let the man closest to the room’s only window sit up in order to help drain the fluid in his lungs.

The other man in the room spent all his time flat on his back.

As you can imagine, with little else to do, the men would talk for hours. They spoke about their families, homes, their lives in the military and where they had traveled.

And each day, the man sitting away from the window longed for the hour when his roommate would be able to sit up and describe the details of the world outside their room.

He would speak of children playing, of animals peacefully roaming and of happy families playing in the water.

Sadly, after months of this, the day arrived when the man closest to the window died in his sleep. After his body had been removed from the room and some time had passed, the other man asked if he could take the bed by the window. The nurses were happy to oblige him and they made the switch.

Once they were gone, the man slowly and painfully pulled himself up so he could take his first good look at the world outside the hospital room, the world whose description had brought him so much comfort.

To his dismay, he found that the view was not as vibrant as he’d been told; in fact, the window faced a blank wall.

Upset, the man called for the nurse and explained the situation.

“Why would he lie to me?" he questioned the nurse.

After thinking for a moment, the nurse looked at him and said:

“Maybe he just wanted to encourage you."


