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2023-10-10 23:23:14
今天小编为大家分享Windows系统下载、Windows系统教程、windows相关应用程序的文章,希望能够帮助到大家!为什么 Windows 系统 Program Files 这个经常用来装软件的目录,名称中有个空格?[抠鼻]设计上的失误而已。最初这么设计是为了让这个目录显示起来更自然。有空格的原因在于英语母语国家阅


为什么 Windows 系统 Program Files 这个经常用来装软件的目录,名称中有个空格?[抠鼻]





但是在当时,微软没有想出这个设计。于是做出了 Program Files 这个坑。结果这个原本用于安装软件的目录,因为一部分软件拒绝安装到带空格的目录而被迫安装到其他地方,也就是说这个设计反而阻止了应用程序安装进去。

虽然一部分玩家会想办法为这个问题洗地,但微软已经用自己的行为向世人证明了这确实是一个失误:因为后来微软设计了很多目录,例如ProgramData, AppData 等目录,全都不带空格。微软自那一批之后,再也没有设计出带空格的系统目录,显然是微软已经意识到了这么做是错的。

而 Program Files 这个历史问题,已经积重难返,微软或许只是因为兼容性而不得不保留了它。



按照Uppsala Conflict Data Program的定义标准,一年之内死亡1000人以上的冲突就是战争。乌克兰东部早就死亡过万了。

#俄乌军力孰强孰弱 边界冲突会升级吗# 头条热榜


²给大家报告一个数字,乌克兰顿涅茨克地区的“战争”早在2019年就死亡13000人。而按照Uppsala Conflict Data Program的定义标准,一年之内死亡1000人以上的冲突就是战争。这个地区是要脱离乌克兰加入俄罗斯的。



首先,你需要把原来的服务删除 ```mysqld --remove mysql

在mysql的根目录下, 清空data目录(如果没有data目录,请自行创建一个空目录,起名为data!)

接着执行如下命令:``` mysqld --install mysql --defaults-file=C:\Program Files\MySQL\my.ini

以管理员的身份执行启动服务命令:```net start mysql57

Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!  



Project (PRA-ject) ~ Project (pro-JECT)


1. Project ~ n. (PRA-ject) Task or planned program of work, a task or planned program of work that requires a large amount of time, effort, and planning to complete. i.e. A project to develop a faster delivery service.

2. Project (pro-JECT)  v. Stick out, to jut out/stick out, beyond or farther than something, or make something jut out beyond or farther than something. i.e. The balcony projected several feet. Estimate something, to estimate something by using data, i.e. Project a 3 percent growth rate this year. Direct an image on wall or screen, to make an image appear on a surface. i.e. Projected the photograph onto the screen. Make voice audible, to make the voice heard clearly and at a distance, or be effective in giving a speech. i.e. Projecting her voice to the back of the auditorium.


1... (a) We are currently working on a project on the effect of pollution on plankton for our biology class. (b) We are waiting to see the results from our team project to help feed the poor people in our city. (c) Bianca has a daily project to help us improve our grammar easily, day by day. (d) Mr. Pete is always working on a project to gain more hugs.

2... (a) She has to project her voice more, when reading, to be heard and it also shows confidence she has in herself. (b) As a teacher, you need to project a feeling of authority and caring in your classroom. (c) Sometimes, with a big class, you need to use a projector, to project the material on the screen so everyone can see more easily. 

Two new Vocabulary words of the day!!  



Project (PRA-ject) ~ Project (pro-JECT)


1. Project ~ n. (PRA-ject) Task or planned program of work, a task or planned program of work that requires a large amount of time, effort, and planning to complete. i.e. A project to develop a faster delivery service.

2. Project (pro-JECT)  v. Stick out, to jut out/stick out, beyond or farther than something, or make something jut out beyond or farther than something. i.e. The balcony projected several feet. Estimate something, to estimate something by using data, i.e. Project a 3 percent growth rate this year. Direct an image on wall or screen, to make an image appear on a surface. i.e. Projected the photograph onto the screen. Make voice audible, to make the voice heard clearly and at a distance, or be effective in giving a speech. i.e. Projecting her voice to the back of the auditorium.


1... (a) We are currently working on a project on the effect of pollution on plankton for our biology class. (b) We are waiting to see the results from our team project to help feed the poor people in our city. (c) Bianca has a daily project to help us improve our grammar easily, day by day. (d) Mr. Pete is always working on a project to gain more hugs.

2... (a) She has to project her voice more, when reading, to be heard and it also shows confidence she has in herself. (b) As a teacher, you need to project a feeling of authority and caring in your classroom. (c) Sometimes, with a big class, you need to use a projector, to project the material on the screen so everyone can see more easily.  



penalty [ˈpenəlti]



真题复现1:College officials tend to emphasize that the goal of grade forgiveness is less about the grade itself and more about encouraging students to retake courses critical to their degree program and graduation without incurring a big penalty. (2019年英语一第四篇阅读理解P4)


真题复现2:The current state of affairs may have been encouraged—though not justified—by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. (2007年英语一第四篇阅读理解P5)


真题复现3:legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage.(2007年英语一40题D选项)


Regardless of the cost, you can be sure that EJA’s spending on safety will be whatever is needed. Obviously, we would follow this policy under any circumstances, but there’s some self-interest here as well: I, my wife, my children, my sisters, my 94-year-old aunt, all but one of our directors, and at least nine Berkshire managers regularly fly in the NetJets program. Given that cargo, I applaud Rich’s insistence on unusually high amounts of pilot training (an average of 23 days a year). In addition, our pilots cement their skills by flying 800 or so hours a year. Finally, each flies only one model of aircraft, which means our crews do no switching around among planes with different cockpit and flight characteristics.

EJA’s business continues to be constrained by the availability of new aircraft. Still, our customers will take delivery of more than 50 new jets in 2001, 7% of world output. We are confident we will remain the world leader in fractional ownership, in respect to number of planes flying, quality of service, and standards of safety.

Additional information about our various businesses is given on pages 42-58, where you will also find our segment earnings reported on a GAAP basis. In addition, on pages 67-73, we have rearranged Berkshire’s financial data into four segments on a non-GAAP basis, a presentation that corresponds to the way Charlie and I think about the company.


