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vmware workstation15的虚拟网络编辑器,在编辑菜单下,同事开始没有找到,最后按照网上的说明,在此处设置正确,才完全搞定。
想体验国产操作系统深度deepin的,不需要另外买电脑,我也不建议你们搞双系统。用虚拟机VMWARE 或者Hyper—v进行安装,虽然过程稍微繁琐了一点,但绝对是最好的选择。对原来的操作系统没有任何伤害。
嗯,我用的虚拟环境,vmware workstation 16,电脑主机是华硕笔记本,i76700,16G内存。运行速度还是蛮不错的。
关于SUN的那些事儿 (一)
关于Vinod Khosla, 很多人熟悉他,是因为他是位著名的风投家,这里主要介绍他在SUN的经历
Vinod Khosla 1955年生于一个普通印度中产家庭,父亲是位军官。尽管家里没有商业或技术背景,但是16岁那年,Vinod Khosla 在杂志EE Times 上读到Intel的创业故事,激发了他将来创立自己的高科技企业的雄心壮志。20岁时,在完成印度理工学院德里分校(IIT Delhi)电气工程的学业后,他开了一家豆浆公司,专门销售给那些家里没有冰箱的普通印度家庭,但企业后来经营失败了。
Vinod Khosla 紧接着去了美国,出于兴趣,在卡内基·梅隆大学(Carnegie-Mellon University)攻读生物医学工程的硕士。之后,少年时期的梦想驱使他奔赴心中的圣地--硅谷,并在那里于1980年获得斯坦福大学的MBA学位。 毕业后,Vinod Khosla 发出了400多份简历,他没有像其他商学院毕业生那样选择投行或咨询公司,他心目中公司标准是:创立不到3年,职员少于100人。他那时已经显露出狂热的决心和对细节的关注等品质,而这些品质最终导致他后来的辉煌与失色。这400多封简历没有收到任何回音,但他被介绍去帮助成立一家科技企业,在这一年半的时间里,他学到了很多,并促使他后来成立了SUN。
Vinod Khosla 和其他两人创立的这家企业是Daisy Systems 公司,公司生产的产品是首个具有真正意义的面向电子电气工程师开发的CAD/EDA系统。公司盈利不菲,但是经历了一些挫折,他们不得不自己设计用于运行EDA程序的计算机硬件,却无法成功。Vinod Khosla 最后离开了Daisy Systems 公司,在他心目中, 他要生产出一种基于开放标准的机器,这种计算机是要面向CAD/EDA之类软件的开发人员和用户的。
问题是,Vinod Khosla 更多的是一名纸上谈兵式的概念工程师,可以将所有能想到的东西用逻辑流程图画出来,但又几乎从未具体实现过,所以他就开始寻找能工巧匠。他获悉在斯坦福大学有一个项目,Stanford University Network(或称Sun.workstation项目)。Vinod Khosla 给学校的计算机系打电话,那些秘书不想打扰教授,让他与一位从德国来的留学生 Andy Bechtolsheim联系。
144Hz 24寸1080p用于FPS游戏,使用液压支撑臂固定。
音箱型号升级为Elac B5,明显比我以前用过的老式Tannoy扬声器好。还有一套AudioTechnica开放式耳机,用于晚间打游戏,不影响到家人。
键盘是Ergodox EZ,已经用了多年,习惯后你就离不了他。鼠标Razer Basilisk V2#晒晒我的桌面 #桌面分享 #电脑配置 #墨尔本 #澳大利亚 #留学生活 #桌面设计 #JBHIFI #Scorptec #CPL #melbourne#australia#isetup#desktop#battlestation#wfh#workfromhome#computer#chair#table#monitor#gamingdesktop#light#mouse#keyboard#mousepad#speaker#headphone#laptop#macbook#sydney#brisbane#tasmania#Adelaide
What you need to know about Mengtian:
- Weighing 23 tonnes with a length of 17.88 meters, the lab module provides more than 32 cubic meters of space for the taikonauts to work.
- Mengtian is full of cabinets that can support hundreds of experiments. Unlike Tianhe and Wentian, it doesn't have a sleeping cabin.
- Mengtian is the last "building block" necessary for the China Space Station to form its T-shaped structure.
赖世雄常春藤英语集团创始人#英语# #赖世雄的英语笔记#on time 和 in time,你分得清吗? ◇on time: (exactly at an appointed time) 准时 ◆说明a. on time 表“准时”,可置 be 动词之后做表语,也可置句尾修饰句中动词。be on time准时arrive on time准时到达 ◆例:We must hurry if we wish to arrive at the meeting on time.(我们如果要准时出席会议,就得赶快了。)Did you get to work on time this morning?(你今天早晨准时上班吗?)I'm sure Peter will show up at the party - he's always on time.(我确信彼得会参加派对——他一向准时。) b. appointed a. 约定的;指定的at an appointed time 在约定的时间 ◇in time: (within or sometime before an appointed time) 及时 ◆说明in time 表“及时”,通常置于句尾,之后接 to 引导的不定式短语;或接for,再接名词。Mr. Smith arrived here in time to attend the meeting / for the meeting.(史密斯先生及时赶到这里开会。)We got to the train station just in time to catch the last train home.(我们到达火车站,刚好及时赶上回家的最后一班车。) ◆例:Did you get to the station in time?(你及时赶到车站了吗? ) *上文出自赖世雄老师著《赖世雄流利英语惯用搭配》In my home village lives an old couple. All village know that their son is an excellent young man.
This young man studied hard and obtained his doctorate in physics. He found a decent job in Shanghai, the No.1 metropolis of China, and bought a nice apartment on the Bond.
The old father missed his so much. Once he went to Shanghai alone for a visit of his son.
Shanghai is the busiest city in China, and all the people are busy. His son had to return to work after picking him up from the high-speed station, and told him that he would return home at 7:00 in the evening.
The father had never seen such luxurious and clean apartment, and felt very constraint in there. Very soon he wanted to have a pee, but he could not find a dry latrine although he looked for it in the apartment. He waited and waited for his son's return until he wetted his pants.[捂脸]
His son came back on time and told him that there was a bathroom in their apartment where he could urinate and relieve the bowls.[捂脸]
The son wanted his father to stay with him as more days as possible, and asked for leave to accopany him to go sightseeing around the city.
But the father didn't want his son to delay his work, telling his son that he could manage everything himself.
But in the following days, the son received several phone calls from the 110 Emergency Communication Center, asking for his home address.[捂脸]
The father could not find his way back always, even in the building where they lived, he went up to the wrong tower and could not find his way back.[捂脸]
At last, the old father could not bear city life any more, and wanted badly to return to his home village.[捂脸]
The old father thinks that the countryside is the most comfortable home for him and his wife.
The son thinks that Shanghai can offer him all the material and spiritual comforts.
Mr. Green worked in an office in London, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not very far from his office, and he always went on foot from the station to his office and back from his office to the station. Every evening he walked past a poor man near a bridge.
The man sat at the road and sold matches, and there was a dog near him. There was a piece of wood round the dog’s neck, and the words “I AM BLIND” were on the piece of wood.
Mr.Green was a kind man. He always stopped and gave a penny to the man, but he did not take any of his matches. One day, Mr.Green had a lot of work in his office and left the office very late. He came to the man and his dog, but he did not stop. The poor man stood up quickly, ran after him and said, “You’re always very kind to me. Give me a penny today. I’m a poor man.” Mr.Green stopped and he was surprised. Then he said, “You’re a blind man. How did you see me?” The poor man said, “No, I’m not blind. My dog is.”
中国宇航员舱外作业Chinese astronauts step out of spacecraft
The Shenzhou XII mission crew engaged in China's first extravehicular activity in 13 years to perform about seven hours of work outside the core module of China's permanent space station.
After hours of preparations early Sunday morning, Major General Liu Boming floated out of the module, named Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens, at 8:11 am to begin the challenging spacewalk as the module orbited Earth at an altitude of about 390 kilometers. Senior Colonel Tang Hongbo stayed in the air lock to assist Liu and then also emerged from the spacecraft at 11:02 am.
Wearing the nation's new-generation extravehicular suit, the pair conducted several sophisticated maneuvers such as testing a large robotic arm, installing equipment outside the spacecraft and adjusting the external panoramic camera.
During the spacewalk, Liu stood on, and moved with, the robotic arm for hours. Tang, in addition to assisting Liu and fulfilling his own assignments, also practiced the procedures for an emergency return into Tianhe.
At the end of the seven-hour operation, Liu turned his head toward an external camera, waved his hand and said: "We want to thank all people in our science and technology communities involved in the spacewalk. We are also grateful for the great support of the Chinese people. Next, we will conduct another spacewalk. We will fly higher while the space station will become bigger."#文摘中国##about China#
News Vista 20220417
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd is looking to beef up presence in Indonesia through cooperation with local state-owned companies in a $5.97 billion battery-related project.
After orbiting Earth for six months, the three crew members of China's Shenzhou XIII mission departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet, finishing the nation's longest manned spaceflight.
EAP 句型
原句:The concept of “securitization”, which was initially theorized in the influential work of the Copenhagen school (Buzan et al. 1998) and then advanced by Bigo (2002), are apposite to a consideration of the connection between border security and language testing policy and practice.
句型:The concept of……, which was initially theorized in……and then advanced by……, are apposite to……
学完新概念第一册的家长可以下载打印出来,让孩子做做。这些是一部分题,语法里的重点。欢迎把答案发评论区。#唐山头条# #英语语法# #今日头条#
1. My brother ________ a League member
since 1990.
A. is B. was
C. has been D. will be
2. He ______ a doctor tomorrow.
A. will see B. will seeing C. saw D. sees
3. My little brother ______ to school last year.
A. goes B. went
C. will go D. goed
4. She _________ her homework at this time
last night.
A. was doing B. did
C. will do D. does
5. They said they __________ for us the next
A. will wait。 B. are waiting
C. are going to wait D.would wait
6. We __________him yesterday evening.
A. meet B. met
C. meeted D. would meet
7. When I reached the station, the train _________ .
A. left B. was left
C. had leave D. had left
8. Our teacher usually _________ his work
after 5:00.
A. stop B. stops
C. stopps D. stopped
9. Miss Li told us yesterday that the earth__________ around the sun.
A. went B. goes
C. will go D. would go
10. Tom ________ his lesson yet.
A. didn’t finish B. doesn’t finish
C.not finish D. hasn’t finished
11. She told me that there _________ a meeting the next day.
A. Will have B. would be
C. will be D. would have
12. What would you like ______ now?
A. to do B. do
C. doing D. are doing
13. My brother often _________ to school
last year.
A. walks B. walked
C. walk D. walking
14. Look, the young man _________ after
the bus.
A. runs B. are running
C. is running D. run
15.Look! Who __________ over there?
A. dance B. dancing
C. is dancing D. dances
Own-Promotion 白色主题桌面设计【墨尔本】
桌面壁纸:Steam Wallpaper Engine 搜"Music 音楽"
显示器:Samsung 34" CJ791
音箱:Audioengine A2+
显示器上的支撑板:IKEA LACK shelf
显示器支架:north bayou F100A monitor arm
机箱:ASUS ROG Strix Helios GX601 White Edition
#晒晒我的桌面 #桌面分享 #电脑配置 #墨尔本 #澳大利亚 #留学生活 #桌面设计 #JBHIFI #Scorptec #CPL #melbourne#australia#isetup#desktop#battlestation#wfh#workfromhome#computer#chair#table#monitor#gamingdesktop#light#mouse#keyboard#mousepad#speaker#headphone#laptop#macbook#sydney#brisbane#tasmania#Adelaide
Do you enjoy watching TV? Working at a TV station can be fun.
你们喜欢看电视吗? 在电视台工作可能很有趣。
When we watch news on TV, we only see newscasters in front of the camera. In fact, there are many other people working there.
We all know that one important job is the producer. He or she makes sure the news is ready and also tells the reporters who to interview and what to report.
The reporters get to interview people and tell their stories. They prepare some questions and go to meet someone. It can be exciting because they never know what they might find out.
There is also a news director. This person finds out what is going on in the city or country and if it is important enough to put on the news. Sometimes, the news director will send a reporter to get more things.
Another important job is the camera workers. They make sure the picture is clear. Their job can be exciting and even very dangerous at times.
Editors read all the stories before they are put on the news.
They edit the stories to make them interesting or easy for people to read or watch.
All of the people must work together to make sure it all runs well. That is how we get our news each day.
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