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2023-08-25 07:15:16
今天小编为大家分享关于高考报名、高考专业、招生简章、院校排名等相关文章,希望能够帮助到大家 1. Biomedical engineering: The folks standing at the intersection of the life sciences, engineeringa


1. Biomedical engineering: The folks standing at the intersection of the life sciences, engineeringand medicine are working on such advances as an artificial kidney to help 2 million people worldwide give up their dependency on dialysis, and "designer" blood clots created from artificial platelets to save wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

1. 生物医学工程:在生命科学,工程和医学领域交界工作的人掌握着最先进的技术,如帮助全世界两百多万走出透析的痛苦,开发除了人工肾,从血栓中制造出血小板拯救战场上的伤兵。

2. Biometrics: This field teaches students how to build automated identification devices, such as facial recognition systems. As biometric readers replace photo IDs and passwords in both the public and private sectors, the industry is expected to grow to $363 million by 2018, according to New York-based Transparency Market Research.

2. 生物测定学:这一领域教会学生如何构建自动分辨设备,如人脸识别系统。正如生物测定学用户把照片ID和密码放到公共或者私人领域,根据纽约市场调查,到2018年止这一行业要创造出363,000,000的收入。

3. Forensic science: More experts are needed to operate the new, sophisticated tools to prevent and investigate crimes. Forensic science focuses on using technology to analyze evidence. Students should expect "tons of math and science, plus learning to interface with the criminal justice system," says Timothy Palmbach, chair of the forensic science department at the University of New Haven.


